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San Mai straight complete!

Ok, so more firsts here, I decided not to use the ivory scales, one because of the flaw in them, and secondly, black looks sexy! For the pivot, I had originally decided to use a 1/8" folder pivot, with screws. Upon looking at this a little closer, the screws looked BIG. So the problem I had was the 1/8" hole through the tang... To remedy this, I installed a bronze bushing, then drilled this to accept a 1/16" NS pin.

I used some blue turquoise, with pyrite webbing as a wedge, a little splash of color.

Now. Pins and peening. This is the first time I have ever done this. I purchased some washers and pinstock (this is why its taken as long as it did). So I decided no pain no gain, and used the pins/washers. I recessed a little counter sink to reduce the height the pin head would stick out.

The horn I used is actually on the translucent side. Kind of nice stuff, but a PITA to get flat, and even.

So all in all, this is the finished product. Still learning school of hard knocks. The pass around should begin next week. The razor is in customs at the moment.

Now the pics, let me know your thoughts!








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wow Bear!!!

i can't wait for customs to get their dirty paws off the one on the way to me......

this one is just awesome....
pretty damn good job for your first razor! I like the way the damascus stops running at the edge and its only one color (black). Never see that before. Great work on the scales, too!
How do I jump on the custom order waitlist?

lol!! I'm not officially selling these as of yet. Still learning! I mentioned in another thread that when I think I have a handle on things ( no pun intended) I would do things right and purchase a vendors tag. I have only made 2 razors, and have picked up a few things. I want some feed back from my first razor which is on a passaround. Once I have figured what I did wrong, I hope to correct, and implement into future builds. For now, I remain one of the boys, soaking up information, and learning how to use them myself. Thanks for taking time to look and comment.

If from the photos you see something needing attention, please let me know!

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