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Running late - razor of choice?

I had a 07:00 meeting this morning and forgot to adjust my alarm time - this error left me with less time than usual for my morning shave ritual. Not shaving was not an option - meeting! As I showered, I pondered my options. Of the razors in my growing arsenal, all of which are perfectly capable in their own ways, which would best combine the qualities of ease of use, tolerance of user error in the midst of rushing, efficacy in the least number of passes, and overall quality of shave results? I realized that my choice was certainly not the mildest of my razors, and probably not the most aggressive of my razors. The Joris and Tradere options were not selected; their beauty can be distracting as I often pause to admire the lines and forms of these wonderful items. The R41 was not chosen; requires more vigilance than the others. The Weber and EJ89 were not selected; too mild for my time constraints. The 39C/37C slant was my runner up but my 'all-round' winner was ... Fatip-Weber Bulldog ... this bad-boy workhorse possesses all of the above qualities for me, and provided a nick-free, clean DFS in 2 quick passes without flinching. Great success!

I am curious as to what some of the other members' choices may be. I would imagine that some may even reach for one of their straights! I can only dream ... much evolution needed for me in terms of skill and technique!

Good day all :001_smile
On those days I pull out the Trac II or Sensor/Excel. I wouldn't enjoy a rushed DE shave so I just grab what will get the job done quickly, efficiently and safely.
DB9l as there's no way I'm taking a straight to my face if I'm rushed. I just don't see it ending well for me.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I suppose I'd take the Mergress up a setting or two and settle for one pass. What I'd really do is show up 5 minute late - I've never been to a meeting that started on time.
Fat-Handled Tech; I can shave a very quickly with it without worrying about nicks or cuts, and still get a very close shave.
Honestly, I'll use the Hydro 3 that I use on my head in the shower. I tried to rush with my Feather SS once. Just once.
Schick injector.

While I can imagine using one of mine in a hurry, now that I have rediscovered what fun it is to shave with them, and will even give it a try in the shower (no mirror, just by feel) one day soon, I still reach for my two-blade Sensor when I feel pressed for time.

P. S. I finally found an auction for a J-series Schick that didn't jump out of my comfort bidding zone, so now I once again have an I and a J (arriving soon), just like 1961, or whenever the Js were current.
Being rushed has no affect on what razor I choose to use. Sinc eI'm in a hurry, I just use whatever is handy, so most likely the same razor I used the day before. What I will change, for one, is that I will limit my shave to 1 or possibly 2 passes depending on how rushed I am. One pass gets the job done and makes my face looks well shaved, it just doesn't feel well shaved. Also, I might reach for a tube of shaving cream rather than a soap, sinc eI can whip it up a bit quicker and don't need to wait for the puck to soak first.
I had such a day today. I used the same Gillette red tip Super Speed that I always shave with. I can get DFS in a two pass shave if I really work at it, but it's actually faster to do my full three passes and touch up just a spot or two as needed.
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