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Rooney Super vs. Rooney 2-Band Emillion

For those who've owned both, is there significant advantage to dropping an extra $50-$75 to get the current production Emillion over the more modestly priced Super?
I had a 1/1 in super and a Stubby 1 in super. So this may not be an exact comparison. I thought the Stubby was definitely more dense than my 1/1 super. We aren't talking orders of magnitude difference though. The extra $50-$75 bucks went to aesthetics. I didn't feel that there was a significant advantage.
I am using a 3 band Super Victorian, which has the same knot as the Emillion. This is an incredibly dense brush, has very soft tips and lathers like crazy. That said, it is a serious lather hog, and with the 2 band hair tending to have a stiffer backbone, I shudder to think what that combination can do.
I find my Rooney in Super to be difficult to use because of the extreme density/lather hogging. I suspect these super-duper dense brushes would be useless in my hands. Stick with the Super and see how you like that.
I hate to be harsh, but I really do not like Rooney's new Two-band Heritage hair. Not very dense, and not much backbone at all.
Kind of the opposite of what I enjoy in a brush. I've tried an Emillion and a Stubby 2 and sold them both.
I hate to be harsh, but I really do not like Rooney's new Two-band Heritage hair. Not very dense, and not much backbone at all.
Kind of the opposite of what I enjoy in a brush. I've tried an Emillion and a Stubby 2 and sold them both.
Have you tried Rooneys vaunted Finest run from last year? How does the 2-band Heritage compare?

Anyone who has please comment...
I have a 3/1 finest and a Victorian 3-band. Totally different brushes. The finest if stiff and has soft tips - excellent all round brush. The Victorian is very soft and very dense. I like them both. I have not tried the newer 2-band heritage but don't feel all that favorably disposed to them - I have no plans to buy one. The 3-band heritage is dense partly because the bristle is very fine gauge - this makes for a unique experience IMO.
Have you tried Rooneys vaunted Finest run from last year? How does the 2-band Heritage compare?

Anyone who has please comment...

I have a Stubby 1 with the regular old 3 band heritage knot, and a stubby 1 with stuffed with the Finest knot, and I will not be parting with either in the foreseeable future. They are both amazing brushes.

I haven't tried the 2 band heritage brushes, but I have heard from a trusted source they are not as densely packed as the old heritage knots.
Have you tried Rooneys vaunted Finest run from last year? How does the 2-band Heritage compare?

Yep, I've tried several Rooneys in Finest.

The difference is unbelievable. Rooney Finest is the most amazing and unique hair of any brush that I've tried. Where the Two-band Heritage is loosely packed and almost floppy, the Finest is incredibly dense, has an insane amount of backbone, and tops it all off with amazingly soft tips. Just a complete WOW experience. I might say that if I had to choose one brush out of all that I've used as the top performer, it would be my Rooney 1/1 in Finest.
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