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Rolls Razor ID

I just picked up a Rolls Razor and was wondering how to id its age. I don't see any markings containing a date.
Pictures, pictures, pictures. That's the best way. There were two main Rolls designs and a few variations ranging from the late 20's into the 50's. Let's see what you have.
I have this 3 set´s: Imperial No1 (missing the handle), Imperial No2 aluminum (left) and Imperial No 2 nickel (right). But I don´t know the age. There are no dating informations on the instructions :confused:
Rats! It's the one with the 3 rows of square scroll design.
What's wrong with that? That's an imperial.
The other model with the single row of scrolls on the lids is the viscount, which has an aluminium stropping/honing handle and slightly different case shape. While the older imperials had a steel handle (though theres all aluminium including the casing imperials though too as pictured above)
There's a serial number on the side of the cases, but I haven't found anyone who can relate that to date and model.
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