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Rocky Horror Picture Show

They are finally releasing RHPS on Blu Ray. This has been one of my favorite movies for years and I could not be more excited. You can pre-order it (which I've done) on amazon before the 19 October release.


I always get a laugh watching it, SWMBO hates it so I don't get to see it often though. I met Meatloaf after a concert several years back after we heckled the crap our of him, he's a great guy.
I love RHPS! On Oct 26, "Glee" will have a RHPS episode. The preview looked pretty good. I'm excited about it.
I have never seen it. However, I did come across it on the Directv guide last night while checking for upcoming movies to record. I set it up to record so I check it out finally.
I've never seen it. The oldest movie theatre in Atlanta does a live version of it every month, I've been thinking I want to catch it once.
I've always wanted to see it live. If you do go, do some research first. Audience participation is pretty much mandaory. Plus you are going to want to know when to throw the bologna (among other things).
We are thinking of doing Rocky Horror for Halloween this year, my wife was wondering about trying to find the right outfit to be Magenta, I told her to just be Eddie. She asked "can I do that?" I told her why the heck not, another female friend of ours wants to be Rocky. And with the my hair and how much I adore Tim Curry I will most likely be going all out and doing Frankfurter.
I love RHPS! On Oct 26, "Glee" will have a RHPS episode. The preview looked pretty good. I'm excited about it.

I read about this episode was happening yesterday. After the episode airs, they're supposed to be airing the movie on Fox for 24 hours.
As a point of interest, the writer of the Rocky Horror Show, Richard O'Brian, who also played Riff Raff in the film, was born and bred a few hundred yards from my house in Cheltenham and went to the school around the corner. He occasionally visits the school even now.

I've been past the local theatre when the show is on and the outfits of the audience is impressive!

We also get the Singalong Sound of Music film and they all dress up for that. Never seen so many bearded nuns! Also last time there were several SS officers outfits that fitted rather too well to have been hired from a costume shop...

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Dammit, Janet!

Great film. And many, many great nights at Nell Campbell's (Columbia) club on 14th St. in NYC in the late '80s...
I don't know... having Rocky Horror on video sort of misses the point. It's an audience participation movie and you're supposed to see it in a theater with a lot of people.

I've been a number of times and I don't think it would be 10% as much fun watching it at home.

There's going to be a showing in Yuma on 10/30, and I plan to go. It's always a good time. There's also a Mini Kiss (all midget Kiss tribute band :biggrin:) concert earlier that night, which I plan to attend. This should be a good Halloween!
I don't know... having Rocky Horror on video sort of misses the point. It's an audience participation movie and you're supposed to see it in a theater with a lot of people.

Somewhat true, but even listening to the soundtrack, which I did before ever seeing the film, is a great experience. It made me shiver with antici...
I remember seeing RHPS on its very first run of midnight showings, back when I was in high school. My friends and I loved it, and many years later in SoCal, I saw it was playing nearby and took a group of friends to see it with me.

Somehow, I had completely missed out on it having become a "scene" in the intervening years. Needless to say, it was QUITE the entertaining evening!

The local stocking shop running out of "men size" fishnets.

Many of my manly friends frocking up, some of them even getting their makeup done professionally.

The local bottleshop owner knew exactly where to send people.

60 people doing the Time Warp @ 2am in the morning on our driveway on a warm balmy Australian December night.

Yep, just a normal birthday party for wifey :lol:

Luckily we lived on 5 acres at the time.
The RHPS craze was way before my time. I've seen it (never live) and had friends that really wanted to get into it, I liken it to wannabe's. I'll probably pass on this one, just not my generation.
Ooo I love the Rocky Horror!
I got to go to my first live shadow cast screening just earlier this year and I won second place in the best dressed competition for a costume I made (I was very happy with how it turned out actually!).
I went as Columbia:
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