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"Ring in the New Year" Theme Week - December 31, 2012 - January 6, 2013

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Shave of the Day (SOTD) Wednesday January 2, 2013
• Prep: Brush soaked in warm water, face washed with Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Anti-Blemish Cleanser, luke warm shower
• Razor: 1940's NDC Gillette Superspeed re-plated in Nickel
• Blade: Personna Med Prep
• Brush: GDCarrington Maple Apple Handle with Ace Shaving 22mm High Density Silvertip
• Cream: Proraso Menthol and Eucalyptus (old formula, 500ml tube)
• ASB: Nivea Sensitive Skin After Shave Balm (old formula, German made)
• AS: British Sterling
• Post: Cold Water Rinse, Bath of Aftershave

Back to work, so why not use the Superspeed. I can zoom around my face, get a DFS in under five minutes and I am ready to take on the day. This really is a great week day razor, as I do not have to put any thought into my shave.

Day two with GDCarrington Maple Apple Handle with Ace Shaving 22mm High Density Silvertip. These are a no fuss, nicely shaped, comfortable design. Gary (GDCarrington) did a great job with these handles.

I am not one that would ever spend more than $80 on any brush, but it does not stop one from going into AoS, Crabtree & Evelyn or Merz Apothecary to feel their high end brushes. Although never owning any of the aforementioned, this knot is by far the softest silvertip that I have ever felt. Anyone who is into restoring brushes I would highly recommend this knot, you will not be disappointed.

This is going to be a good week for shaving, as I have lots of new stuff on the way, from soaps and creams to some new razors.

Ikea Bowl ¤ Restored Culmak 55 Silvertip ¤ Gillette Tech with Derby Extra
Erasmic Shaving Cream ¤ Nivea for Men Replenishing After Shave Balm ¤ Boss Bottled EDT

Have a nice day, Gentlemen :001_smile



Antique Hoosier

No Shave on 01/01/13


Heljestrand MK 31
Tony Miller 3" Black Latigo
Somerset Era Duke 3
Martin de Candre
Floris JF Splash
Penhaligons Endymion
Tabac Hair Cream
Hamburg / Germany - Wednesday Morning

*Warm Water
*Aleppo Soap from Syria
*Haslinger Shaving Soap - Sheep Milk and Lanolin
*Dr. Dittmar - 23mm Silvertip Brush
*Face Lathering
*Emir Hybrid Razor - Astra Superior Platinum (1)
*W+X (Open Comp) +ATG (Closed Comp)
*Cold Water
*Allume Di Rocca Naturale
*Cold Water
*Dopobarba Di Camaldoli
*Proraso Balsamo


*Have a nice day gentlemen,


I smell like I just left the barbershop!

Simpson Colonel / Mike's Natural - Barbershop / Geneva Henry's XX / Pinaud Clubman AS


Happy New Year guys...a day late.
Wednesday 01-02-13. MUSIC: Johnny Cash.


Soap from Aleppo - Simpson Chubby 2 best badger - Feather all stainless - Iridium Super #1 - Pre JASÖN - Shaving soap Czech & Speake Oxford & Cambridge - Alum block - Thayers Original - ASB Castle Forbes Lavender - ASL Lavanda Ach. Brito.
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2 Jan 2013

Fatip/Weber Bulldog handle
Gillette Silver Blue
Vintage Blades 24mm
Proraso Red/Arko
Klar Seifen Sandalwood
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C&S Oxford & Cambrigde // Filarmonica Sub Cero 6/8 // M&F Finest // Thayers // Floris Santal Aftershave
Thursday morning:

Razor: Superspeed
Blade: Merkur (2)
Cream: JM Fraser
Brush: Vulfix 1000a
A/S: Vintage
ASB: Natio ASB
Shave of the Night (SOTN) Wednesday January 2, 2013

• Prep: Brush soaked in warm water, face washed with Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Anti-Blemish Cleanser, luke warm shower
• Razor: Merkur 500 Progress
• Blade: Personna Med Prep
• Brush: Semogue 820 Boar
• Soap: Proraso Sandalwood and Shea in tub
• AS: Aqua Velva Musk
• Post: Cold Water Rinse, Bath of Aftershave

I have been waiting for the Proraso Red to come in tub, well thanks to our friends over at ItalianBarber.com, it is available to us on this side of the pond now. I just could not wait until the morning, so I had to have an evening shave.

First, the good news. The scent is mind-blowingly awesome. If you like the tube, you will love the tub version. To my nose the smell is a little more concentrated in the soft soap version compared to the cream. It is really a nice sandalwood smell that is nice for both male and female wet shavers.

Latherability is top notch Less than 30 seconds of loading provided more than enough lather for 4 passes. The resulting lather is thick, creamy, and very silky when rubbed between your fingers.

Now for the bad news. For those that are sensitive to sandalwood or essential oils, this soap may not be for you. Although sandalwood is my favorite scent, I rarely use it, as I am very sensitive to every brand of sandalwood soap or cream that I have tried. Knowing that I am sensitive to sandalwood I always bowl lather so I do not to rub the lather deep into my pores.

Within about a minute of putting on my skin I noticed the slightest burning sensation. Nothing that was painful, but enough to know that you feel something. As soon as I rinsed my face the burning stopped. Put on lather for second pass, and the burning started again. Rinsed it and it was gone. The same results happened for the third pass.

So as much as I love the new Proraso Red Tub, it will not be making it into normal rotation. My wife has already used it and loves it, so I am sure will use about 80% of it. I will use it a few times per month, just for the awesome smell, but my skin just cannot handle sandalwood from anyone it seems.
Brush: da Vinci 290
Razor: EJ DE 89
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless
Cream: Proraso Red
A/S: RazoRock King Louis Wax

The da Vinci 290 is pure luxury! Highly recommend.. my camera is out of commission otherwise I'd post picture. Can't find the darn charger.
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Pre:MRGLO soap
Robert Becker Scuttle #1
Merkur 11C
Feather #2
Semogue 1305
Dr.Harris Windsor Soap
Thayers witch Hazel (lavender)
Nivea splash
L'Occitane Badian EDT
Good morning friends! :001_smile

PREP: Proraso Preshave Cream
BRUSH: 23 mm MÜHLE (Synthetic fibres)
SOAP/CREAM: Geo. F. Trumper's Sandalwood Shaving Soap
RAZOR: 6/8" Wacker Jubiläummesser 2010 Mod. 2 Full Hollow Ground, Shoulderless, w/ laser etched spine, (Blond Horn scales)
STROP: Kanayama Cordovan #60000
SHAVE: 2 passes, WTG/XTG
AS: L'occitane Vetyver EDT
RESULT: Comfortable, BBS shave


Have a nice day,
Kent T4
DR Harris Windsor SS
Filly 13 DT, white scales, fresh off the hones!!
Roger & Gallet L'Homme / L'Oreal Men Science 24 hr ASB combo
Terre d' Hermes Pure Parfum
I had a bit of a Sandalwood mood today, and I'm glad I did!


Salter | Kikubochi | Simpson | Sulwhasoo | Maitre Parfumeur et Gantier​
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