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RHAD sufferers' thread

There is a relatively new but devastating affliction that seems to be spreading like wildfire among our people. Gentlemen, I am talking about the dreaded RHAD (razor handle acquisition disorder). If you do not already have this disease, you will likely be suffering from its ravages soon.

If you DO already have this disease, please share with us your handle acquisitions, thoughts about each handle, what you like/dislike about the various handles, and your ideas about what handle you might acquire next.

Naturally, I am immune.
-- Chet
I have recently developed early clinical manifestations of this RHAD affliction. It came on insidiously without recognition, as I was consciously distracted by my acquisition of razors. I now find myself pleased on the one hand with my razor heads, but somewhat unsettled with my current roster of handles. I seem to be searching endlessly for the holy grail of handle-razor combination. I find myself obsessing about things such as weight, length, balance, knurling and such.
I have the standard handles that are issued with the EJ89, R41, 39C, Tradere OC, and Weber ARC/DLC. I recently ventured into the world of UFO handles and was mesmerized. Intending on purchasing 1, I somehow ended up placing an order for 3. My fear is that it will not end there. So many choices...
I will keep you all posted upon receipt of the UFO handles.
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