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Reviving a Duo-Vac

I have a striped Duofold Vacumatic (with speedline filler and ingenue sized I believe) that needs a new diphragm and I just don't want to order the tools to do it myself. It has some dental impressions on the blind cap and also needs a polish. I can do the polish but the teeth marks are something I haven't dealt with before.

If someone has an inexpensive suggestion feel free to PM me or post here.

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Pics. It appears to be sub-deb size actually.



Pardon the poor handwriting, that is an old sample from when I bought the pen.

Tooth marks are a problem and not for the weak of heart. You have to heat the celluloid to almost flowing......
Tooth marks are a problem and not for the weak of heart. You have to heat the celluloid to almost flowing......

Geeze, I've dealt with warped and dented straight scales but that usually just hot water. With celluloid being prone to spontaneous and violent combustion when heated, its not something I want to try on this pen. Out of curiosity though, what is the procedure typically for this repair?

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Heated with dry heat until the celluloid is nearly flowing... then a quick cool down. I have had some luck with this....except for the last time. I had a blind cap that ended up looking like a wet noodle. I still have to reheat it to see if I can straighten..... or I could toss it.
I've done it on Sheaffer blind caps to raise deep bite marks. The heat does raise the indentations, but what's left looks like scratches. So an improvement, but not perfect. Maybe I just didn't use enough heat.
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