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Restore question... repairing scoop mark

Hi, everyone...

I'm knee-deep in my first strop restore,
and have a question about scoop marks...

The strop have been cleaned and sanded up to 600 grit...
There is still a slight scoop mark, and wondering two things:

1) Is it potentially harmful to a blade?
2) Even if only for cosmetic purposes, what is the best way to fill the gap.
Was thinking of filling it with super glue, then sanding down...

Attached a couple pix...
Again,the slice mark is not very big,
but was hoping to hear the opinions of some more experienced members...

As long as you don't feel anything above the surface of the strop when you run your finger over it you should be fine. It doesn't look deep enough or wide enough to cause a problem and it's not on the edge of the strop.
The mark will darken up over time or with the application of lather for conditioning and blend in. I wouldn't fill it, especially with super glue. Super glue soaks into the leather, leaves a dark spot and dries hard.
I use 1000 grit sandpaper to finish. It leaves the strop a little smoother and I like a faster draw. YMMV.
I've refurbished 5 strops so far so there may be others with more experience that can chime in.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I think that damage is only cosmetic. I suspect that it would do less harm to the blade than running it over a hard spot caused by super glue. I would just sand lightly and leave it.
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