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Restore #2 - the success continues

After my first successful restoration of a Fat Boy (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=113872) I couldn't stop there.

As said in the above thread I also got 2 Slim Adjustable's.
One of them had been the victim of abuse and maltreatment and unfortunately couldn't be saved :o10:.
The other however stood a pretty good chance, so "on to the operation table".

The adjustment knob could be turned from 1 to 3 and then stopped. The doors opened pretty good and all-in-all it looked not bad.

It turned out that the small metal blade/stick (sorry, don't know the English word for it) that makes it click was damaged. Beyond repair unfortunately.

The disassembly went almost problem free. The only "work" I had to do was parting the blade adjustment plate from the actual head, they where almost glued together with dirt. A good soak in a strong chlorine solution for about an hour took care of that, and after a good rinse I soaked it in vinegar for about half an hour to get rid of the calcium.

Result: After re-assembly the G4 Slim Adjustable now looks good and the mechanical parts are in good working order. The only thing missing is the clicking when turning the adjustment knob, but I can live with that.

The patient has been declared: "Fit for fight" :001_smile
Another nice save! I think the word you are looking for is "detent" (pronounced Dee'-tent, or D-tent).

Any chance of donor parts for the click (detent) mechanism? Either way, great to see them saved from the scrapper.
Another nice save! I think the word you are looking for is "detent" (pronounced Dee'-tent, or D-tent).

Any chance of donor parts for the click (detent) mechanism? Either way, great to see them saved from the scrapper.

The one from the scrapped was missing, so right now I don't have a spare, but there is a technical college in my town, so I'm thinking of giving them a visit, maybe they can manufacture one.

Nice job. I haven't been bold enough to attempt to disassemble a Slim.

The hardest part was reattaching the end cap. It is crimped on, so it took some tinkering to get it to stay on - seems to work now.
This thread was a good help: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=46559
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