I have owned a KENT bk8 And a Salter silvertip travel brush for about 3 years,I've been using mainly Crabtree & Evelyn sandalwood/L'occitane cade in that time ,I used to make sure any excess water was shaken off and they were stored properly in the open,after about 18 months they were nothing like when I purchased them ,they dried bunched up ,even splaying them out on my palm when dry wouldn't fluff them up,last week I bought a palmolive stick and grated it down adding a few drops of carrot aromatheapy oil and a few drops of vitamin e acetate, (you MUST try this to believe it) after my first shave on each brush using this last week, the brushes dried as if brand new about 3 times the volume of what they used to, they look in fantastic condition,I think the concoction did the same for my face too as I've been getting my best shaves ever