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Relegated to Hallway Bathroom, What to Do?

Although I am new to wet-shaving, I have already amassed a nice collection of paraphanenelia which covers a good portion of the large master bathroom sink. As such, my girlfriend has now evicted me from this shared sink, and I have the much smaller hallway sink to use now. The bathroom is small, so the only storage space I'd be able to utilize would be purchasing an over sink shelf like this:


And/or an over-toilet shelf like this:


Can someone give me some feedback on these, and possible other options? Can anyone in a similar situation show me their "Hallway Shave Den"? I'm going to need a lot of space for razor blades, razors, brushes, pre-shaves, soaps, creams, after shave, lather bowls, hot pots, scuttles, blade banks, towels, glycerin, alum, etc, etc, that I will inevitably accrue.
The significant other clearly isn't going to tollerate the "collection." It's clear she doesn't want all that stuff sprawled out. I think it would be more wise to get rid of lesser used items and work within your available space as opposed to making room to buy more. Personally, I like to keep my supplies in a room that doesn't see a constant change in humidity (bedroom). Perhaps a small end table that has a few drawers in it could serve as a better place to start. Once you move into a home with more space, a larger display case could be a viable option.
Thing is, it's her fault. Women hate it when men start hoarding toiletries or (lesser occurring) shoes. It reminds them that they can't help themselves.

And just like that pair of shoes she bought last summer, to go with that dress she never wears, so to will you accrue useless stuff you won't use after the flush of use after the excited delivery.

You really don't need all that stuff you think you will. Blades soaps, and cream, are always good to try, as they're cheap and can often have the biggest effect the on quality of shave. But the rest of it are just nice to haves.

A good lather negates any need for pre shave products. A face renders a bowl or scuttle redundant. It doesn't take a rack of razors and brushes to find one that works well for you.
You don't have to keep your entire collection right at the sink, nor do you need to display everything simultaneously. You just need to bring out whatever is in your active rotation.

Find yourself a closet or cabinet somewhere in the house, and get a basket or some other way to carry your in-use items back and forth from the storage area to the sink.
If you have any under sink space, thats a pretty good spot to put it. To get around from taking too much space, I keep everything stored away. Right before I go for my morning or evening run I take out my stuff. I'll lay out a bowl of soap, pick a brush, a razor, and an aftershave. That way its there to use once I hop out of the shower, but it isn't always there as a visual reminder.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Although I am new to wet-shaving, I have already amassed a nice collection of paraphanenelia which covers a good portion of the large master bathroom sink. As such, my girlfriend has now evicted me from this shared sink, and I have the much smaller hallway sink to use now. The bathroom is small, so the only storage space I'd be able to utilize would be purchasing an over sink shelf like this:


And/or an over-toilet shelf like this:


Can someone give me some feedback on these, and possible other options? Can anyone in a similar situation show me their "Hallway Shave Den"? I'm going to need a lot of space for razor blades, razors, brushes, pre-shaves, soaps, creams, after shave, lather bowls, hot pots, scuttles, blade banks, towels, glycerin, alum, etc, etc, that I will inevitably accrue.

Try to cut back? Just have your favorite mug or scuttle, favorite two brushes and favorite two razors, fave pre and after shave, a pack of blades, preferably one that has the blade bank in back like Gillette or ASR or Wilkies, like that. The stuff you only use occasionally, put it away, or if the pride of ownership thingie gets in the way, put THAT stuff on display in the hallway. You are entitled to half the sink. Thus sayeth Slash. But you are not entitled to hog more than your share of space. Thus sayeth your wife!
If you have a bit of wall space you can put some decorative shelves, for your every day and your more aesthetically pleasing items. Find a nice out of the way cupboard or closet storage to hold any duplicates or product you're waiting to try. Over all I would look at this as a positive. I would see this as tacit permission to create a man bathroom, a true and proper shave den, in whatever manner I see fit. If you have the extra to purchase a quantity of shave gear, temporarily divert those funds into sink, wall, lighting fixtures, nice towels, whatever you like and can afford. look around some of the threads many here have come up with very attractive solutions for storage and display. Embrace that space and make it special for you.

Although I am fortunate that I have a large two sink vanity in the master bath and a very tolerant wife, I sometimes wish I had a suitable second downstairs bathroom. One morning comes to mind when I awoke to find the wrapper of a feminine hygiene product in my shave bowl.
If you have a bit of wall space you can put some decorative shelves, for your every day and your more aesthetically pleasing items. Find a nice out of the way cupboard or closet storage to hold any duplicates or product you're waiting to try. Over all I would look at this as a positive. I would see this as tacit permission to create a man bathroom, a true and proper shave den, in whatever manner I see fit. If you have the extra to purchase a quantity of shave gear, temporarily divert those funds into sink, wall, lighting fixtures, nice towels, whatever you like and can afford. look around some of the threads many here have come up with very attractive solutions for storage and display. Embrace that space and make it special for you.

Although I am fortunate that I have a large two sink vanity in the master bath and a very tolerant wife, I sometimes wish I had a suitable second downstairs bathroom. One morning comes to mind when I awoke to find the wrapper of a feminine hygiene product in my shave bowl.

You're lucky it was only the wrapper!
If it's a girlfriend and you don't see it going anywhere maybe it's time to get rid of her and find a woman that is more supportive of your AD.
What other things in your life are subject to be relegated to obscurity or minimized because of this relationship? Stand up for yourself...nobody else will.
I would LOVE to have my own bathroom to make into a dedicated Shave Den. Take her eviction and run with it. Get shelves to display your best/most used items.

Tell her NO frilly girly stuff allowed in YOUR bathroom! :thumbup:

I really like the look of this:


(Pic stolen from this thread.)

Also check out the Shave Den thread for more ideas.
You don't have to keep your entire collection right at the sink, nor do you need to display everything simultaneously. You just need to bring out whatever is in your active rotation.

Find yourself a closet or cabinet somewhere in the house, and get a basket or some other way to carry your in-use items back and forth from the storage area to the sink.


Works for me.

Works for me.

+1. I may be new and up-and-coming to AD, but I got the "pre-eviction" warning. SWMBO started saying "You're getting lots of stuff" so I took it upon myself to get some of those plastic drawers and threw it in my office. The upside is, SWMBO can't say you have "lots of stuff" if she only sees you using one razor/brush/soap at a time!
This actually isn't as bad as it seems. I have most of my stuff in a hall closet.
SWMBO doesn't know what's in there and I can sneak stuff in there. Then I just change what's out in the main bathroom occasionally.

She doesn't have a clue......I think.:blink:
This actually isn't as bad as it seems. I have most of my stuff in a hall closet.
SWMBO doesn't know what's in there and I can sneak stuff in there. Then I just change what's out in the main bathroom occasionally.

She doesn't have a clue......I think.:blink:
Now there's looking on the bright side. :thumbup:


My elbows leak
Staff member
Well, I have a different take on it.

You have just been authorized to create a full scale Shave Den, uncontaminated by "girly" stuff to get in the way of your good stuff.

Go with the shelves, and look for some creative artwork for the walls, and make this smallish bathroom your own private sanctuary.

I'd be overjoyed at NOT sharing a bathroom with SWMBO, but the guest bathroom must be maintained in pristine condition with never used towels and little decorative soaps that shall never see water.

This actually isn't as bad as it seems. I have most of my stuff in a hall closet.
SWMBO doesn't know what's in there and I can sneak stuff in there. Then I just change what's out in the main bathroom occasionally.

She doesn't have a clue......I think.:blink:

The Lord loves an optimist!
You don't have to keep your entire collection right at the sink, nor do you need to display everything simultaneously. You just need to bring out whatever is in your active rotation.

Find yourself a closet or cabinet somewhere in the house, and get a basket or some other way to carry your in-use items back and forth from the storage area to the sink.

+1. That way it is out of the way of SWMBO, but still in the house. Or, relish in your own bathroom. Mr. Crafty has way more shaving stuff in OUR bathroom than I have make-up, hair products, and skin care COMBINED.
Sounds like a switch to straights will teach her.

-A good strop w/ a fabric component can be hung on the wall
-Several straights can be stored in something akin to a cup (like an expensive pewter mug), perhaps at least one for every day of the week eventually
-A few great soaps are all anyone needs, so make sure you don't skimp on quality; some containers also stack very well
-Brushes? Well... that's a sensitive issue. I believe everyone should have at least one good badger, and one good boar. Or a couple good badgers, and half a dozen boars
I notice you said "girlfriend", not wife.

Whose house is it? Or if an apartment, whose name is on the lease? That will determine which bathroom you get.


If you had said wife...yeah, most of the time you listen. :laugh:

Of course, this could be an opportunity for you to go overboard in making it a true shave den, complete with shadow boxes holding razors on the walls, with LED lighting...frame Gillette ads...a giant handlebar mustache over the mirror...
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