I have been working my way up to full str8 shaving and just realized I can't get my str8 to stay shave comfortable for an entire NS pass. By the time I'm 3/4 of the way through, she starts tugging, skipping and pulling. Today I got left with some bumps on my neck. I actually have had one decent shave this week when I mixed some coconut oil in with some GFT cream. I am using a vintage Wilbert 6/8ths which I purchased on ebay and arrived "shave ready". It indeed started out shaving smooth when I first started just on one quadrant per shave for a couple weeks. Everything was fine just stropping on leather, then once on linen then leather. As soon as I progressed to the 3rd qudrant, she started to tug. I touched up on a yellow coticule thinking maybe it was just not quite bevel set right, but she passes all tests after honing (TPT, TNT, HHT), then starts out nice and smooth, then, right on que: tug, skip, pull, rash. I tried stropping mid shave, but it doesn't help much, besides that's no way to run an airline. Any ideas? Could it just be this thing can't hold an edge?