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Reflections on September 11, 2001 and the Future World Trade Center

Each year since I have been a part of this great B&B community, I’ve taken time to reflect on September 11, 2001. As in each of the posts I have written the past few years I spoke about how my work neighborhood, my city and my country was attacked. I was working in a war zone. Thousands of New Yorkers were killed going to work so they can take part in the dream that all of us as American share. New Yorkers second proud American’s first.

Almost everyone in New York City lost someone they knew, husband, wife,brother, sister, father, mother, uncle, aunt, grandparent or friend. That day and the weeks after will be forever a part who I am now and will be a part of me the rest of my life.

Just hours after the attach, on every street corner, mail box, fence store window anywhere there was blank spot, were heart breaking signs with photos of loved ones missing. They all said the same thing, “Missing, if you see this person please call---------”. I can still see the faces. They were everywhere for weeks if not months. We now all know that none were ever found alive.

I remember the days and weeks after that fateful day how Americans all over the nation send letters, cards and prayers. From small towns in every state. It was so important to all New Yorkers. A fire house in Coney Island, Brooklyn, to this day still has a giant banner, nearly 20 feet long hanging in the garage sent from a tiny town with less people then the office tower I work in. It was made by school children, it contained pictures, hearts and the words, “We Love New York City” Those children are now 10 years older and now young adults, I only wish they knew how much their banner still means to so many.

Sadly 10 years later only 1,631 victims have been identified, while 1,122 (41%) of the victims remained unidentified at the World Trade Center. Do the math, look how many families and friends have no remains at all.

For years I couldn’t walk just two blocks north of my office, the once proud World Trade Center, by the way was so much more than the twin towers, was now a 16 acre hole that has become the most sacred land in the United States. The great skyline famous and photographed millions of times and shown in thousands of movies was gone, I know that view and it was gone, a giant hole that really hurt each time I looked at the downtown skyline. As breathless and beautiful the view at dusk can be to many still brings me such sadness, as I write this I get then heart breaking felling, it just not the same.

New York City is a great American city, where people from all over the country dream about making it big, we all know the words, If you can make here you can make it anywhere, is as true today as it was 100 years ago.

I’m proud to report on the progress at the World Trade Center has be amazing, the main building, #1 World Trade Center (formerly named Freedom Tower) is now over 80 stories tall and 1,000 feet high going up to 1,776 feet and had been lit and now dominates the downtown skyline. The memorial will open on 9/11/11. The major new transit hub is coming along, and just last week the downtown “R” subway Cortland Street station reopened since being closed and destroyed on 9/11/01. The museum is scheduled to open by the next anniversary. All the new towers are going up and a new New York City skyline is being born. Number 7 WTC has been completed and occupied for a few years now. The new WTC will be an amazing place and once completed will be a magnificent place to visit, live or work.

I only hope when its all done, that sadness and pain I feel now when I look across NY harbor will be gone and replaced with the awe I had before the fateful day.

Thank you for reading and as we all know, Americans cannot be held back, we have demonstrated this over and over in every corner of the world. We know this to be true since no county in the world has so many people immigrating to.

G-D bless the City of New York and the great county we call home.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
My thoughts on the day- it is the day our country died. Out of it we got two wars which are bankrupting us, and the government made a huge power grab via the Patriot Act (with little objection from the people) that spits in the face of 4 of the 10 Bill of Rights. We have a political climate in which if you disagree with me you are a devil worshipping enemy of the country. We don't even pretend to live up to our ideals anymore. We are Rome- an empire in decline, and it won't be pretty when it ends.
I get so very angry when I think of what happened on that day.

But I get even more angry when I think of what we DIDN'T do to those whom we knew were guilty. :cursing:

I think there are times when we shouldn't even try to be so correct, nor to worry what the rest of the world thinks about us. :angry: :angry:
I was up at 6:30am as usual..gettin read to go in to the office to work for my dad..watched TV to wake up for a few minutes...I watched in utter dismay the events that unfolded that day..I asked my dad what was it all about?..his response "many innocent lives were lost and today, we pray everyone will come home and to remember those who were didn't"..Ill never forget the scenes that replay in mind to this day..tried to go to the gym..closed...went to the local market..closed..thats when it hit me "national tragedy"..now I understood what my dad was telling me...Incase anyone would like to help here is a link I found.. http://www.9-11healingandremembrance.org/ovc/Default.aspx
With all due respect as someone who is a member of the "9/11 generation" I really am starting to resent these kinds proclamations. 9/11 was an American tragedy but it didn't happen in isolation nor did it signal the begin of the "fall of the empire" any more than Vietnam did, or the passage of Medicare, or any of the other historical events which supposedly signaled the fall. The geopolitical situation is in the same vein as it was in the 80s and 90s. The political divisiveness a continuation of that of the 90s and the wealth disparity and economic situation follows a clear line from now back to the 80s.

I am a recent college grad with a degree in the humanities, a good job in cancer research, a good chance at professional school and most importantly a stimulating intellectual life. There are a lot of other people like me out there and if you don't mind we would like a crack at it before you proclaim the end of America.

My thoughts on the day- it is the day our country died. Out of it we got two wars which are bankrupting us, and the government made a huge power grab via the Patriot Act (with little objection from the people) that spits in the face of 4 of the 10 Bill of Rights. We have a political climate in which if you disagree with me you are a devil worshipping enemy of the country. We don't even pretend to live up to our ideals anymore. We are Rome- an empire in decline, and it won't be pretty when it ends.
I get angry because this didn't have to happen. Clinton could've had bin Laden before this happened but declined because he thought OBL might beat the case in court. He wouldn't have beaten an air to air missle over the Indian Ocean.
My thoughts on the day- it is the day our country died. Out of it we got two wars which are bankrupting us, and the government made a huge power grab via the Patriot Act (with little objection from the people) that spits in the face of 4 of the 10 Bill of Rights. We have a political climate in which if you disagree with me you are a devil worshipping enemy of the country. We don't even pretend to live up to our ideals anymore. We are Rome- an empire in decline, and it won't be pretty when it ends.
I couldn't agree with you more, well said!
Don't worry, I won't. The destruction of the towers should be shown on American TV every day. Never forget what religion this came from, either.
Don't worry, I won't. The destruction of the towers should be shown on American TV every day. Never forget what religion this came from, either.

In all diplomacy, honesty is key. Therefore I must tell you that I reported this post. Don't stoop to the Islam=terrorism level.
My thoughts on the day- it is the day our country died. Out of it we got two wars which are bankrupting us, and the government made a huge power grab via the Patriot Act (with little objection from the people) that spits in the face of 4 of the 10 Bill of Rights. We have a political climate in which if you disagree with me you are a devil worshipping enemy of the country. We don't even pretend to live up to our ideals anymore. We are Rome- an empire in decline, and it won't be pretty when it ends.

i used to admire your country, but the sad events of that day brought out the very worst--the very opposite of what i imagined it stood for. americans are great people, but the likes of fox news and mega corporations have perverted facts and (consequently) political discourse to such a degree that i have to agree with your observations. if you really think about it, the attackers lost almost all the battles but won the war.

to place this posting into perspective: the same brand of attackers destroyed my country too.

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