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Recommendation of TTO razors that has smaller heads.


As my title suggests, I am looking for TTO razors that have thinner or smaller heads on them - if that is even possible.

I do not want to spend $30,000 on a gillette fatboy (sarcasm) so I would not mind a few non-gillette razor recommendations, as well.

I ask this as my 'go-to' razors tend to have smaller and lighter heads on them like my 3-piece gillette tech, which is my inspiration for this RAD.

Thank you for putting up with my weird razor recommendation.

The 1941 Tech Ranger has a fairly small head for a TTO, I think. It isn't as bulky as some others I have seen, at least. Of course, it is a bit higher than a 3-piece Tech.
I coincidently happened on a thread (from another shave site, which I don't believe I am allowed to post a link to) that mentions some Super Speeds in the early 60's had a "lower head design that some prefer". It has pictures as well. A Google search might be in order. Just an FYI
From left to right = from flat to fat:

Weishi 9306 - Gillette Flare Tip K4 - Ideal (Russian razor) - Gillette Super Speed 1948/49 - Feather Popular - Gillette Fatboy F2


When photographing I committed two mistakes, but correcting them does not change the order: I forgot to load the SS 1948/49 with a blade, and I forgot to tighten The Fatboy (setting is on 1, higher settings make it fatter).
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WOW!!!! i am extremely impressed with the information,, i did not expect to get such clarity on the topic.

thanks, guys....
I recommend Schick Krona. It has a most small and flat head in my collection.
I second that. The Schick Krona has a very flat head for a TTO.

I don't own a Krona but when asking uncle google for a picture of a Krona with a blade in *), I was led to this B&B thread with some very nice pictures that allow to compare with my lineup some posts ago. I added it to the left, the Fatboy on the right dropped over the edge in order to maintain the same picture resolution at the allowed width of max. 800px.

Krona - Weishi 9306 - Gillette Flare Tip K4 - Ideal (Russian razor) - Gillette Super Speed 1948/49 - Feather Popular


Looking at the picture it seems that the height of the Krona head falls between the one of the Flare Tip and the 40ies SS.

A blade was needed not only to see if the razor is closed but also to adjust the picture size to the picture of my former comparison photo in order to put them side by side.
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