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Recommendation for a brush under $100


Greetings everyone! I joined this forum about a couple of weeks ago and so far its been an absolute delight to go through all the info for new users. It is wonderfully organized and there is such a wealth of knowledge here. I wish I found this forum a few years ago, but better late than never.

I have been shaving using a synthetic Gillette brush and want to purchase my first Badger brush. I read through the threads about how buying a brush, but it would be great if I can get some recommendations!

Things I am looking for:
- Excellent for face lathering, but good for bowl lathering as well
- Knot size not more than 22mm
- Handle size not more than 45mm
- I have sensitive skin, so a little scrubby is fine but not too scrubby
- Something that will be a good exfoliator
- Works well with soap and cream

After reading through some of the brush reviews, I am considering
1. Savile Row 3120
2. New Forest 2223

Any recommendations would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Larry is great, but I believe still undergoing a family emergency.

Rudy is the man from what I hear, but have yet to try

If I had my $100 first brush, it would be a Rooney, size 1 {small}, even the small turns into a beautiful bloom.

The rest is optional for your taste.

Simpson Duke 2

West coast shaving offers discount on Simpson
Code BANDB last I checked
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System Generated
West coast shaving offers discount on Simpson
Code BANDB last I checked

not any more, with Simpson MAP (minimum pricing) the code no longer works and prices went up :thumbdown i'm not saying to avoid Simpson, but those brushes that used to be $90 range, are not $120-130. the Rover is still a good choice at $109 and fits most of your criteria (just a bit over the price limit).

i would avoid the New Forest or anything else that looks to good to be true in the $50 range, claiming to be as good as a $200 brush....if you look around on here, you will not see many mention of NF brushes and it's probably for a good reason. :glare:

Semogue SOC and RV are both good choices, and keep in mind, there are plenty of brush makers on here and it appear they all do a fine job....can't go wrong with a custom and a TGN Finest knot, and should only set you back about $60 or so.

i have never tried a SR, but here they are amazing as well.
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Larry is great, but I believe still undergoing a family emergency.

Rudy is the man from what I hear, but have yet to try

If I had my $100 first brush, it would be a Rooney, size 1 {small}, even the small turns into a beautiful bloom.

The rest is optional for your taste.

Simpson Duke 2

West coast shaving offers discount on Simpson
Code BANDB last I checked

Dude, you are TOTALLY missing out on not having Rudy Vey make a brush for you. He is a great man to work with. Mr. Vey is finishing up a brush for me, and as always he is pure class at every step. The brush he is finishing is the second he has made for me, and I bought another one made by him on the BST. Everything he makes is rock-solid. As long as you have an idea of what you want he can work with you to craft something that will make you happy. http://www.ultimatependesigns.com For the OP, a badger brush in Finest up to 26mm is US$80, well below your budget.

The Duke 2 is universally viewed as an excellent all-purpose brush. Yes, there are better brushes, but the Duke 2 is widely regarded as a great all-around brush at a reasonable price-point. http://www.westcoastshaving.com/Simpson-Duke-2-Best-Badger-Shaving-Brush-D2_p_285.html
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I got a big ole Vulfix Super badger for under 100.00 from Bullgoose a year or so ago. I forget its number but it is a big one.
The one that I have has nice soft ends and works up a mug of cream in a flash for me. And, yes it is a big loft 'floppy'.
I find that by choking up and holding the brush by the hair just above the handle that I get more backbone out of it....and get a really nice and irritation free face lather, too. Of course, YMMV
good luck
You might also want to try the
Semogue 2000 Pure Boar Bristle Shaving Brush (available from West Coast Shaving or Lees Razors) for $23. Until recently, I always used badger brushes, but I was really surprised at how much I like this boar brush.
Brushes are a very subjective topic and you may get overwhelmed by how many different opinions you get. I suggest you check out the brush selection at The Superior Shave. They have an amazing collection of brushes and each brush in stock is individually photographed and measured. It's the only vendor where you get to pick the actual knot you want. Even if you don't end up buying there, there is a lot of useful information and quality brush photography on the site.
Gotta tell ya, if BigBull recommends it, its probably a top shelf item imo. When I get back stateside, that will be my first purchase!!! Semouge 2 band that is.
Thanks for the all the replies! I ended up getting a silvertip badger from whipperdog. I used it the first time today, and it felt great! Seems to be a bit of a lather hog, will try a few more times and see if I still feel the same way
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