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Recieved A Nice Gift Today - Vintage Blades

Courtesy of an anonymous member. Some of the nicest people on the planet are members here. I am continually amazed by B&B members.

I have 10 vintage Wilkinson Super Sword Edge blades (made in England), 5 Thin Gillette blades (red and black paper wrapper) and 5 PAL Hollow Ground blades. I know how good the Wilkinson's are. I know relatively little about the other ones. From the brief research I've done it appears the PAL's may be from the 50's or earlier. I have to do more research. I also have to do more research on the Thin Gillette's.

I am very eager to try these blades and would appreciate any thoughts, insight or experiences any of you may have with these blades.
Ok, so the Thin Gillettes are from 1963, date code I 2. Pure carbon steel if I understand correctly. Some people seem to like them, some don't. They are apparently not coated with anything. The blades are in remarkable condition and the 4 wax dots are still soft. Plus, they look really neat. The blades are 3 years older than I am. Maybe I'll throw one in my 63' Slim and have a vintage Sunday.
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