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Perma Sharp Blades Comparison.

Perma Sharp Vs Perma Sharp Super vs Vintage 5 Pack Perma Sharp Super vs Vintage 10 Pack Perma Sharp Super.

Heres what i found out using these 4 blades in 4 Gillette Mark II ( Slims ) on a setting 5.

* If you buy the current Laser etched Perma Sharp made in St Petersburg, you will get the smoothest blade of all 4.

Of the remaining 3, Then its the more modern of the 3 ( Gold pack Perma Sharp Super, thats the best of the 3, also ST Petersburg )

The 2 Vintage Perma Sharp Supers 5 & 10 pack are a very similar blade and they are sharp and smooth but not as smooth as a blade made with the assistance of a computer ( the 2 gold packs ) the fact that these vintage blades can even compete is testament to the engineering talent of the workmen and women of the day.

Please note, that there IS a difference between the Perma Sharp & Perma Sharp Super Gold boxes, the current Gillette Branded Perma Sharp on the left in the Gold Slim is a smoother blade, now i only tested a blade of each and i could have gotten a dud blade , but in my opionion , the St Petersburg Factory has gotten the current Perma Sharp blade a wee bit better than the old Gold Super box.

Also, the Vintage Perma Sharp will beat some of the lower tier modern blades, and that in itself is mind blowing.



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The print for that 1980s Nazareth Perma-Sharp and the 2010s Nazareth Vikings Sword is basically the same except for the grind marks, but with the ones I tested, the Vikings Sword was a lot sharper.


I would say similar starting sharpness, but the 7OC Indian blades go downhill a lot faster than the Russian ones. You can compare them in the blade sharpness testing thread.
The blade sharpness thread isnt being very useful for me. Some of the "better" ones are junk in my own experiences and razors.. And i really cant make heads or tales of the data. I had a statitistical anaylysis class for a quality control degree, and the first class the instructor spent 5 hours teaching us how to fudge measurements to meet situational needs.
I had a statitistical anaylysis class for a quality control degree, and the first class the instructor spent 5 hours teaching us how to fudge measurements to meet situational needs.

Clearly you were taught by a master! :lol:

Personally, I find that thread tends to validate my opinions more often than not - at least as far as initial sharpness and durability are concerned for blades that come out of Russia, Japan and Gillette India.

But I agree, as far as the Sotraco and Treet or LOI stuff is concerned, I find them all pretty disasterous even though the data says that they are sometimes quite sharp blades. I will say though, that it has taught me somewhat to distinguish how my face interprets sharpness and smoothness. The data doesn't lie, but our subjective experiences of blades can differ signficantly, as can the manufacturing consistency.
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