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Recent Restored From Rudy

I like 'em all, but I jus' loves that Ever-Ready in the middle. Classy two tone brushes turn me on in general though. Ooooh. It gives me the shivers.
Great brushes all around, nice handles and nice knot selection! I suppose now you will eagerly await their arrivals.
Great brushes. And great work by Mr Vey.

I expect each one will be a particular treat to use. Congrats.
So will we see some action shots and hear some of your opinions? Which knots were used in each? I'm sure they add nice colors and variety to your shave den.
So will we see some action shots and hear some of your opinions? Which knots were used in each? I'm sure they add nice colors and variety to your shave den.
Here are the knots I got on themFuller: 18 MM best knot
Black/Butterscotch : 22 MM silvertip Grade A
Black/White: 18 MM Finest
I have the same butterscotch handle but I put a 24mm TGN Silvertip Grade A in it. I love it! Your brushes look great.
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