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Really bad allergy season?

Not sure what the deal is, but I seem to be having a really bad allergy season right now. Runny nose, hypersalivation, coughing, and something new...real difficulty swallowing food. I've actually lost weight (not necessarily a bad thing) because it takes me over an hour to eat a PB&J sandwich.

It rained for a few days straight, and must've temporarily knocked the pollen out of the air, and I got better. When it dried up, I got worse.

Anyone else being hit hard this month?

If this is going to become a thing every February to April, I may start doing an AirBnB in Nevada or something.
Usually it’s the fall for me, but this year has been bad. For the past couple weeks I feel like my eyes have had sand in them.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
So far this season is pretty bad for me. Eyes itching/burning and tearing a lot, nose running like crazy and lots of sneezing. Not fun.
Backyard in Las Vegas has been consistently covered in yellow pollen the past month or so. It’s been miserable with lots of folks suffering from upper respiratory problems.
Backyard in Las Vegas has been consistently covered in yellow pollen the past month or so. It’s been miserable with lots of folks suffering from upper respiratory problems.
Damn, Vegas isn't a safe zone from this?

Maybe I should try Lake Tahoe.
Damn, Vegas isn't a safe zone from this?

Maybe I should try Lake Tahoe.
I live in older community with lots of trees. The high winds that are typical this time of year blows the pollen around. Tahoe is beautiful, but I assume the trees, especially the pine trees, are releasing pollen up there too. But, I don’t know how windy it gets in Tahoe during this season.
I've always taken an OTC antihistamine (generic zyrtec or claritin or whatever) and that's been fine but you're right, this year has been bad. I started a nasal spray (I think it's generic flonase) as well, and that takes a while to get working but it seems to have me in pretty good shape. I can feel the allergy attacks coming on but they usually just dissipate.
I'm biking to work now, so I get the pollen injected straight into my eyeballs, so I don't expect anything to work 100 percent, but its livable at least.
I'm taking cetirizine daily.

Yesterday I drove from Ohio to an AirBnB in Jackson County, Kentucky. It rained all day and most of the night here, and that has had a drastic effect on my symptoms. Yesterday, I couldn't finish a BBQ turkey sandwich from a Buc-ee's. Just couldn't swallow food normally. The dog really liked that sandwich!

Today I'm far better off. And it will be rainy here for days.
I'm taking cetirizine daily.

Yesterday I drove from Ohio to an AirBnB in Jackson County, Kentucky. It rained all day and most of the night here, and that has had a drastic effect on my symptoms. Yesterday, I couldn't finish a BBQ turkey sandwich from a Buc-ee's. Just couldn't swallow food normally. The dog really liked that sandwich!

Today I'm far better off. And it will be rainy here for days.
Sorry to hear that, but I know your dog enjoyed the sandwich. Buc-ee's are great! The founder is good a Texas Aggie!
Sorry to hear that, but I know your dog enjoyed the sandwich. Buc-ee's are great! The founder is good a Texas Aggie!
We were just there for gas, but I naturally had to do a quick reconnaissance for anything shave related. Didn't see anything, although they did have a lot of artisinal soaps, etc. Something may have been hiding there among them.

I should have bought some kind of rain gear. Which I'm sure they had.

It was kind of chaotic in there. And I had the impression many people were there specifically because Buc-ee's was their destination, rather than just someplace they stopped while on their way to another place.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Perhaps a neti pot could help.

As a side note, I get allergy-like symptoms when my nose hair needs trimming (not a joke!).

The late Dr. Pournelle had allergy problems and eventually tried one of those. It worked so well that he put a link to them on his blog, which gave them so much business that they started giving him commissions.

The popularity of neti pots has caused an increase in cases of Primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) caused by introduction of the amoeba Naegleria fowleri into the nasal cavity.
They can be found in tap water, and cause no harm when ingested. Though it is rare in general, it is 97% fatal to victims.
A secondary type of amoeba has also been identified, Acanthamoeba (82% fatality rate).
If you use a neti pot, use only distilled or sterilized water, and after washing the pot, nuke it in the microwave oven between washing/rinsing it and use.


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The Instigator
I get eye allergies mid-March, nose allergies mid-Sept.

The eye itching this year has been maddening and it's lasted longer than usual ... antihistimine drops don't help much.

Neti pot is great for runny-nose allergies, but see above re: distilled water.

Seriously, the difference between yesterday, out of Ohio, and sleeping overnight in Kentucky with lots of rain is total. I walked about 400 yards and was only drawing half a breath yesterday.

Today, I was able to do the trails around Flat Lick Falls.


After the snow melted last month I was sneezing non-stop (even up to 4 times in a row!). Temporary lull now before things start blooming, etc...

We're in year X of an extreme drought just west of the rocky mountains though, I have a feeling each year will be worse. Minimal snow in the city this year, and much less snow pack than required in the mountains.

Can't wait for wildfire season to ratchet up!!! :|
Walgreens carries a behind-the-pharmacy-counter product called Walgreens "Allergy Relief D / Sinus & Allergy" with pseudoephedrine (the good stuff). In NJ you need to show a driver's license, and purchase is limited to every ?-number of weeks. My wife is bothered by seasonal allergies and takes as needed. I tend to get more stuffed-up than runny, but take it to prevent sinus infections which I was prone to years back. Over-the-counter stuff never worked for either of us.


My elbows leak
Staff member
After the snow melted last month I was sneezing non-stop (even up to 4 times in a row!). Temporary lull now before things start blooming, etc...

We're in year X of an extreme drought just west of the rocky mountains though, I have a feeling each year will be worse. Minimal snow in the city this year, and much less snow pack than required in the mountains.

Can't wait for wildfire season to ratchet up!!! :|
I have photic sneeze reflex and will sneeze 5 or 6 times in a row, and sometimes have repeat episodes when I see bright light.
My daughter is even worse and can go up to 10 times in an episode.
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