Okay, perhaps it's a witless question, and maybe it's been asked before under a different thread (point me to it, if so) but ...
I've been wondering why there isn't a company that could license the production of the old gillette DE designs, to the same tolerances. It would not have to be every model, but they would sell. I understand that gillette probably wants to avoid diluting sales in their other lines, but I can't imagine that any such dilution would be intolerable. Maybe a fatboy (for example) would simply cost too much in build cost for the market to bear, but production could be offshored. Does anyone have some perspective on why it is that gillette doesn't do this, or license another company to do it?
-- Chet
I've been wondering why there isn't a company that could license the production of the old gillette DE designs, to the same tolerances. It would not have to be every model, but they would sell. I understand that gillette probably wants to avoid diluting sales in their other lines, but I can't imagine that any such dilution would be intolerable. Maybe a fatboy (for example) would simply cost too much in build cost for the market to bear, but production could be offshored. Does anyone have some perspective on why it is that gillette doesn't do this, or license another company to do it?
-- Chet