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Re-plating question

Just want to hear some fellow B&B members opinions on re-plating this Gillette NEW open comb. Should I go 24K gold or rhodium? Can't decide, tell me what you think. Razor pictured below.

While it would look great in either gold or rhodium, as a traditionalist, I'd suggest gold, to keep its original look. 24K seems pricey and the metal would be soft; why not 14K? Whatever you decide, it will look fabulous. Cast my vote for gold.
Thanks Graybeard, the site that I am considering using only replates gold in 24k. If anyone has any recs for people that replate please let me know. I have only heard of a few.
I have three vintage Gillettes that came gold-plated from the factory. The New has lost all of it's remaining finish and has a copper patina. Both the Aristocrat and the Milord have extensive platting loss. I think gold is a really great looking finish, but if I had a gold-plated razor in decent condition I would only use it sparingly. I'm not a collector, using the razor is the whole point of having it. If you are a collector, getting a razor re-platted doesn't really add to the collector value. That's a round about way of saying, I would vote for the rhodium finish. Either way you go, I can't wait to see pictures of the result.
Yeah, I have the exact same desire to have my long comb New replated in gold (color or actual gold plating makes no difference to me). Any recommendations for whom I should send it to?
Well it all depends. Rhodium is pricey, probably 4-5x the price of the razor itself.

Why don't you go for bright nickel? Krona Kruiser here does a fine job, and it will come back looking brand spanking new, and you can use it knowing the plating will hold up.
Yeah, I have the exact same desire to have my long comb New replated in gold (color or actual gold plating makes no difference to me). Any recommendations for whom I should send it to?

Reliable Electroplating does Gold and Rhodium. They did an excellent Rhodium plate for me. They are complete pro's.
For bright nickel, Krona Kruiser did a great job for me on my Fatboy and Slim.
Way off subject but, I love your screen name and avatar! I'm from Washington PA and have been a die hard Pens fan my whole life. I don't care about any other sports whatsoever but, PENS hockey?! God I love em! And Malkin is my favorite!
Rhodium is far better wearing than gold, and a better choice from a strictly utilitarian perspective. IMO, plating in precious metals is more about the look you want, rather than "restoration", unless its granddad's Aristocrat, or similar.
Does anyone know who did the plating for Cooncat Bob? The stuff I have from Bob is very nicely done, and I too would like to plate a LCN to use on one of his handles...
Well it all depends. Rhodium is pricey, probably 4-5x the price of the razor itself.

Why don't you go for bright nickel? Krona Kruiser here does a fine job, and it will come back looking brand spanking new, and you can use it knowing the plating will hold up.

+1 on the Nickel via Krona Kruiser. I'm currently having my razor replayed by him and have heard great reviews and seen great pictures of his work. Also, he's very, very affordable.
If you go gold, I would definitely lacquer it afterwards. The few re-plates I did a few years ago got a coat of lacquer designed for musical instruments.
+1 on the Nickel via Krona Kruiser. I'm currently having my razor replayed by him and have heard great reviews and seen great pictures of his work. Also, he's very, very affordable.

+2 I bought a nickel-plated LC New from Krona, and it is beautiful.
I can do Rhodium if you want to go that route, I'm in UK but about half the razors sent to me are from the US of A.

Best Wishes

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