It has c.c 1118 w.j.m.-45 /l\ stamped on it. I haven't seen another razor like it.
If the '/|\' is what I think it is, it's the arrow logo that is used on military-issue razors in the 1940s. I can't see it well enough on the photo to be certain but it seems to me that Mako72 is correct in saying that it's made by Myatt for the military.
All of the other military issue razors I have seen were cheaply made and are in poor condition to-day. Yours looks like it was made to a much better standard, although I'm not sure how good the grip on that handle is going to be
Cheers for the information. Although I don't think it's silver, feels more like Aluminium.
I've posted on a ww2 reenacters forum, and if they turn up anything I'll post it here.