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Razor Display Case

I'd been looking for a way to store my uncased razors short of piling them up in the medicine cabinet but wasn't coming up with much that would work.
Last Saturday while out and about with SWMBO we stopped in at a Hobby Lobby so she could try to find some yarn for a project and while on our way out we passed the shadow boxes and found a hinged front box. $cabnet01.JPG$cabnet02.JPG
The hinged door allows for me easy access to "choose my weapon" and the racks are 5/8 square wood stock with notches cut for the razors.
As I'm finding out though this is a work in progress as I'm going to need to beef up the holding racks a bit as the razors balance right on the edge and have a tendency fall out even when carefully opening and closing.
WHY do people keep coming up with things I've got to have!
Of course in my case it would have to be recessed in the wall and have a false picture or something in front so SWMBO wouldn't know. - A bit like the guns in (Mr & Mrs Smith?) ---:thumbup:.
That's a great wall display case.

How about a some Velcro across the front to hold everyone in. Simple to rip it away from one razor without bothering all of the rest. Another trip back to the "hobby lobby" should let you find some in a light beige color that would match up to the wood or you could stain the wood to match what you found.
Very nice display case..

As for the balancing act, I have two suggestions. First, maybe you could mount the case at an angle with the bottom held out further from the wall than the top. Secondly, perhaps you could get some small bar magnets and glue them into the slots. The razors would then be held in place by the magnets.
Very nice display case..

As for the balancing act, I have two suggestions. First, maybe you could mount the case at an angle with the bottom held out further from the wall than the top. Secondly, perhaps you could get some small bar magnets and glue them into the slots. The razors would then be held in place by the magnets.

Or some magnet tape, like you see on business cards? They are self adhesive and you can cut them with scissors.
Very nice display case..

As for the balancing act, I have two suggestions. First, maybe you could mount the case at an angle with the bottom held out further from the wall than the top. Secondly, perhaps you could get some small bar magnets and glue them into the slots. The razors would then be held in place by the magnets.

I was going to mention something along the lines of a hinged metal strip across the front of each shelf, but Cynomys's idea of magnets trumps that, so much so, I may have to try and figure out a magnet system for my display cases even though they aren't falling out

+1 on a damn fine looking display case
i've been looking for a similar set-up. some of the wall racks people use to hold their special spoons look nice but are too small to hold a razor. i like the idea of glass over the razors to eliminate dust. very nice my friend
Glad I've inspired several of you with this.
I'm thinking of trying to track down some 3/4 square hardwood rather than the 5/8 for a bit more depth and stability.
The stock I used was a bit too soft and had intended to drill out a hole then cut into the stock forming a U to hold the razor but as I found the wood was too soft and split so I had to use a smaller bit and drill out a V shape.
If the 3/4 is still unstable either the hinged retaining arm or hook and loop should work.
I'm not too sure how the magnets would work as I'm pretty sure those are all plated brass(except the 1980 aluminum Tech)and are all non ferrous so would not stick to a magnet.
I'll keep at it and when done provide a "how to" for those interested.
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