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A new one for me,from Croatia , my first shaving product from that country.This is a very strange cream ! It comes out of the tube looking like shiney elmers glue,and it stretches like Armenian string cheese !! weird ! I hit it with a 24mm badger,and used very little water,I was shocked when stiff peaks popped up,I thought I had a dud.Applied to the face there was a little seperation,but not too bad,and luckily,it had no effect on the shave.The lube properties were good,another surprise from a weird looking cream.Using a Shick Krona and a Treet dura-sharp , I got a fine shave ! .The scent was a dead match of the Ralon aftershave,which is a very nice imitation of Swiss Pitralon ! A little sweeter,but close enough,and in Croatia it's dirt cheap ! A best buy,considering the price,about 0ne USD in Croatia...


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Interesting. So, my question is how did you wind up with Croatian shave products? I can't say that I've seen anyone selling these around here. Although you now have me thinking that I should get in touch with my cousins in Croatia and Serbia and see what they can source locally for me.
Interesting. So, my question is how did you wind up with Croatian shave products? I can't say that I've seen anyone selling these around here. Although you now have me thinking that I should get in touch with my cousins in Croatia and Serbia and see what they can source locally for me.

only 2...the other is Brinell,will post results on this one saturday...I think Serbia has many more creams than Croatia,you can score several between the two countries...
Great review!
Nice to see a Croatian product reviewed by a connoisseur. All things considered I think this is a flattering critique.
IMHO Ralon's lather is superior to Brinell's.
So it's somehow related to Pitralon?

I'm not very well informed but Pitralon I remember from local shops in the old days. Than it disappeared. Than Ralon appeared few years back. Ralon is made in Croatia by a company named Atlantic Group (probably licensed) and Pitralon is made in Switzerland I understand. There is more on Pitralon on German Wikipedia here but my German sucks. Something about Pitralon being from GDR is mentioned and that would made sense since it was also a communist country so it was probably exported from there to Yugoslavia.
There is (or perhaps "was") a Czech Republic version as well.The German a/s smells quite a bit like Russian tet-a-tet,I never tried the Czech a/s ,which is a licensed product.
A best buy,considering the price,about 0ne USD in Croatia...

No, no. I've been on holiday this year in Croatia (as I was the last 3 years too). The cream sells for about 10 Kuna, it's about €1,35 and this is ~$1,70.
This cream is not bad, but actually it isn't anything special. For my taste this cream is too "runny". Lather is quite stable and easy to produce. Scent is typically Ralon, but quite more intense.

The aftershave is one of my favorites. I really love the "Classic" but recently I used the "Sport" more often. True classic aftershaves.

I'm not very well informed but Pitralon I remember from local shops in the old days. Than it disappeared. Than Ralon appeared few years back. Ralon is made in Croatia by a company named Atlantic Group (probably licensed) and Pitralon is made in Switzerland I understand. There is more on Pitralon on German Wikipedia here but my German sucks. Something about Pitralon being from GDR is mentioned and that would made sense since it was also a communist country so it was probably exported from there to Yugoslavia.

I can't think of that (GDR export).
I think they "copied" the Original Pitralon many years ago. We all know, that "communistic" contries did that with many "western products". To avoid any trademark claims, they just called it "Ralon" and dropped the "Pit". I don't know when Ralon exactly was released in the Yugoslawian market, but what I'm sure about, that it was already a classic in the late 80s - long before the country was split up.
There has been a redesign of packaging in 2010 - some kind of face-lift.
This Czech version(above photo) is available from a reputable dealer http://www.shoeboxshaveshop.com ,but only the Czech version,at least at this time,which I have not tried. As you can see by the photo,Barbiere di Figaro,a very reputable dealer as well, sells all three versions,although I believe the upper photo from shoebox is a newer packaging. There is a LOT of difference between the German and the Swiss....Ralon smells more like the Swiss ,only a deeper,bolder scent ,with less ripe pears aroma.I think the German version is too camphory and medicinal smelling,but every shavers shnozz is different,as we all know !


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Ancient thread bump

So i got two bottles of it, it is supposed to be the original recipe of the original Pitralon (1920s ?!)

After a couple of uses i figured it is not for me but it is an interesting smell and leaves my skin very nicely.
From the scent i get very much something that reminds me of Pinaud Special Reserve so if you are into that
you should really get a bottle of this.
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Ancient thread bump

So i got two bottles of it, it is supposed to be the original recipe of the original Pitralon (1920s ?!)

After a couple of uses i figured it is not for me but it is an interesting smell and leaves my skin very nicely.
From the scent i get very much something that reminds me of Pinaud Special Reserve so if you are into that
you should really get a bottle of this.
Pitralon Original / Swiss - https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/pitralon-original-swiss.535753/ xxxxxxxx
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