A new one for me,from Croatia , my first shaving product from that country.This is a very strange cream ! It comes out of the tube looking like shiney elmers glue,and it stretches like Armenian string cheese !! weird ! I hit it with a 24mm badger,and used very little water,I was shocked when stiff peaks popped up,I thought I had a dud.Applied to the face there was a little seperation,but not too bad,and luckily,it had no effect on the shave.The lube properties were good,another surprise from a weird looking cream.Using a Shick Krona and a Treet dura-sharp , I got a fine shave ! .The scent was a dead match of the Ralon aftershave,which is a very nice imitation of Swiss Pitralon ! A little sweeter,but close enough,and in Croatia it's dirt cheap ! A best buy,considering the price,about 0ne USD in Croatia...