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Quick Mill Espresso machine.....

Hi guys, I am definitely not new to the forum as some of you know me but I am new to "higher end espresso machines". I am looking to purchase a quick mill espresso machine and I was wondering if anyone had one used they were looking to sell.........I realize this should be in the BST but I figured I would get more responses in the Cafe.........Anyone have a Quick Mill here? How do you like it? I am also looking at Expobar, Isomac, and Vibiemme Domobar. Thanks everyone......
I love my Quickmill Anita. I have used it almost daily for about two years. I have no desire to replace it with anything else. I am sure that you will be happy with anything on that list. I bought mine at Seattle Coffee Gear when I lived in Seattle, but they are online as well.
I just pulled the trigger on an Expobar Brewtus III-V(vibe pump) with the option of being plumbed and directly drained........I originally thought after I got off the phone with WLL, that I had gotten the Rotary model but apparently the rotary model does not have a reservoir which I want so that if I have to resell the unit, I will be able to appeal to both markets(plumbed or not).......thus raising my resale value.....The unit has a simple switch that allows you to go from reservoir to plumbed instantly.......but I still have remorse as I want the rotary more.....but it does not have a reservoir...............What should I do........The only negative thing I have heard about Rotary pumps is that if the pressure isn't set properly, they will destroy the puck with how fast they start......as oppossed to a vibe pump that takes like 3-7 seconds to get started.........But the benefits seem pretty nice.......longer lasting, quieter, quicker recovery time(not that it matters, just me and my girl and maybe some company). Opinions needed my friends.............please help as I am calling WLL tomorrow and making the final call........
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