Hi everyone.
I posted a lot of this in another thread, but another member suggested I start my own thread in this forum specifically as he said I'd get more replies here. Some of the post might be a bit disjointed as I was replying to posts in the other thread (I've cleaned it up a bit so hopefully my questions make sense).
Just found this awesome forum and signed up straight away (I don't usually ever sign up to forums right away, but when I read a few of the posts, it seemed like a great community) as I was looking to ask a bunch of questions in regard to shaving with razors that use safety razor blades. I just started wet shaving my head with safety razor blades and I've been looking for a good shaving soap to try. I currently have been using Taconic shaving cream (it's the only one I've used apart from a local shave soap I bought here in AU that I only used once as I didn't like it, so I just stuck to the Taconic). I was looking to try something tallow based and was wondering how this one (Mike's Natural Soaps) would compare to the Taconic shaving cream I've been using? Hopefully this brand is available to buy in Australia. If not, any other suggestions? Also, would a tallow based soap be an issue with clogging up the sink at all? I think I'd prefer tallow based, though, as I'm guessing it will give a better shave?
Also, I was trying to figure out if I should buy a new DE Razor or if it's the safety razor blades I should be focusing on, or perhaps even technique?
I'm having trouble with my head shaves as they're not as smooth as I've like. Back of the head usually feels pretty stubbly after 2-3 passes in certain areas (I usually got with the grain once and the against the grain at least 3 times), and then when I do more passes, I usually end up with nicks and cuts, and it's also taking me a long time to do (usually 45 minutes on average). I usually also go 2-3 days between head shaves as I just don't have the time to do it everyday, so that is another reason I like to try and get it decently smooth so it lasts 2 or so days between head shaves.
The current razors I've tried are Leaf Shave, Leaf Thorn and a cheap Schick DE safety razor (I can find a link if you guys need to see it. It's got a pretty long handle. I am guessing it's not a great handle/razor, though, as it only cost about $15, maybe $20 at most).
In order of preference so far, probably the Leaf Thorn gives me the best shave (I find the Leaf Shave too bulky and hard to get around certain places on my head and some areas on the top/back sides of my head are usually left with some rough patches I can't seem to get down easily). I'd rate the Leaf Shave second overall and the Schick DE safety razor 3rd. When I first started shaving my head (it's been close to a year since I've been doing it now), I did start with a cartridge razor for the first 5 or 6 weeks, but then decided to try the Schick DE safety razor that I bought a few months prior at my local Aldi store as I wanted to give one a try. Just didn't think it would be a head shave the first time as I also started growing a beard at the time, so I couldn't practise on my face. Probably not the best idea as it was the first time I've ever used a safety razor and it was on my head
. Needless to say, I got quite a few cuts/nicks that first time. Not a fun experience as it left me with a pretty sore/raw head lol. I also wasn't satisfied with the cartridge razor as it was causing me some irritation and not really giving me a good head shave. It always ended up a bit rough and the multiple passes with the pulling/tugging probably caused the irritation (I only tried a cheap 5 blade knock off similar to the Gillette Fusion style razors. Not sure if an actual Gillette cartridge razor or Schick Hydro style razor would have been much better. I also didn't like the amount of plastic waste, and also the cost of the cartridges to continue going down that path).
Anyway, just curious what you guys think? I will also list all the blades I've tried and what I think of them in another post or add it to this one. Maybe that can help determine if I need to keep trying other blades, or if it's my technique, or if I should try a different/more aggressive/less aggressive DE safety razor.
I posted a lot of this in another thread, but another member suggested I start my own thread in this forum specifically as he said I'd get more replies here. Some of the post might be a bit disjointed as I was replying to posts in the other thread (I've cleaned it up a bit so hopefully my questions make sense).
Just found this awesome forum and signed up straight away (I don't usually ever sign up to forums right away, but when I read a few of the posts, it seemed like a great community) as I was looking to ask a bunch of questions in regard to shaving with razors that use safety razor blades. I just started wet shaving my head with safety razor blades and I've been looking for a good shaving soap to try. I currently have been using Taconic shaving cream (it's the only one I've used apart from a local shave soap I bought here in AU that I only used once as I didn't like it, so I just stuck to the Taconic). I was looking to try something tallow based and was wondering how this one (Mike's Natural Soaps) would compare to the Taconic shaving cream I've been using? Hopefully this brand is available to buy in Australia. If not, any other suggestions? Also, would a tallow based soap be an issue with clogging up the sink at all? I think I'd prefer tallow based, though, as I'm guessing it will give a better shave?
Also, I was trying to figure out if I should buy a new DE Razor or if it's the safety razor blades I should be focusing on, or perhaps even technique?
I'm having trouble with my head shaves as they're not as smooth as I've like. Back of the head usually feels pretty stubbly after 2-3 passes in certain areas (I usually got with the grain once and the against the grain at least 3 times), and then when I do more passes, I usually end up with nicks and cuts, and it's also taking me a long time to do (usually 45 minutes on average). I usually also go 2-3 days between head shaves as I just don't have the time to do it everyday, so that is another reason I like to try and get it decently smooth so it lasts 2 or so days between head shaves.
The current razors I've tried are Leaf Shave, Leaf Thorn and a cheap Schick DE safety razor (I can find a link if you guys need to see it. It's got a pretty long handle. I am guessing it's not a great handle/razor, though, as it only cost about $15, maybe $20 at most).
In order of preference so far, probably the Leaf Thorn gives me the best shave (I find the Leaf Shave too bulky and hard to get around certain places on my head and some areas on the top/back sides of my head are usually left with some rough patches I can't seem to get down easily). I'd rate the Leaf Shave second overall and the Schick DE safety razor 3rd. When I first started shaving my head (it's been close to a year since I've been doing it now), I did start with a cartridge razor for the first 5 or 6 weeks, but then decided to try the Schick DE safety razor that I bought a few months prior at my local Aldi store as I wanted to give one a try. Just didn't think it would be a head shave the first time as I also started growing a beard at the time, so I couldn't practise on my face. Probably not the best idea as it was the first time I've ever used a safety razor and it was on my head
Anyway, just curious what you guys think? I will also list all the blades I've tried and what I think of them in another post or add it to this one. Maybe that can help determine if I need to keep trying other blades, or if it's my technique, or if I should try a different/more aggressive/less aggressive DE safety razor.
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