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IB's price for the Hawk V3 is 69.99 (one of my faves).I like the Razorock Hawk for AC blades or the Eco for DE half-blades and either can be had from Italian Barber for $29 and often $20 on sale.
I second ewk's suggestions!Two suggestions: 1. across the grain is the money pass for me back there. 2. Stretch the skin as much as you can by putting chin to chest and using your free hand to pull from back to front on top of head.
Sorry, I missed this.Thanks for the replies so far guys.
Harry's was the last I used.Maybe I should have done this, but I also started growing a beard for the first time when I started shaving my head, so I couldn't really practice on my face.
If using a cartridge razor, what do most of you guys here use?
I do three passes with any, all razors. My shaves using an SE razor aren't faster, actually takes me a bit longer but the result is closer. I only shave my head every fourth day, so speed is not really a consideration.Yeah, the Leaf provides a quicker shave if you don't care about BBS. There's too many spots I can't get smooth with it, though, so it ends up taking too many passes increasing my shaving time (something I am trying to bring down with something that also requires less passes for less irritation).
The SE razors work very well around the ears.Yeah, I guess it's similar for me. The Leaf if good on the sides and back of the head, but not too good at all on the top of my head, back/sides of the back fringe, and also tight spots around the ears. The Thorn is better in the tighter areas (I guess it should be as it's more compact and designed for that), but it just takes me too many passes to get it BBS in certain spots and then it starts causing cuts/irritation if I try too many passes.
Artist Club blades are much stiffer, and shave very well, but are much more expensive. I use the guarded blades since it is harder to cut yourself and still get very close shaves.I'll have to look into these Artist Club razors. What is the difference between these and DE razor blades/DE razor blades you can snap in half? The blades look completely different. I can only find the Feather Artist Club Pro blades at one of the stores I shop at in AU (not sure if there a bunch of other different brands? If there is, maybe I can find somewhere else to order from).
Are the single edge Artist Club blades much better than the DE style of blades? Is this also something where you need to try different brand AC blades to find the ones that are most suitable?
Do you get many shaves out of each blade? A 20 pack costs about $24.95 here.
I only had/used the V3, so I can't compare.I'm going to look into this as it seems like a nice razor. I found a store here that only sells the V1 and V2. The V1 is a lot more expensive for some reason, though. Is the V3 much better than the previous versions?
I've never used a Thorn or TwigSo this would be like my Leaf Thorn blade wise? I can just snap a DE safety razor blade and use it in this razor? If I already have the Leaf Thorn, you think it would still be worth trying this?
I've never used any of my SE razors on my face.This thing looks really nice. Not sure if I want to go with something this pricey right off the bat, though.
Wow. Pretty cool that you're finding this better than the Hawk V3. Seems like an awesome budget friendly option. Are you also using this for both head shaves and face shaves, or is it better for one over the other?
Everyone is different. I bought both the 84P and the 68P and sold the 84P after using both (face only) and finding the 68P was all I needed. The razors are identical except for the base plates, which can be purchased separately if you want to try both. These razors often show up in the BST forum.Out of all the 3 razors I have (Leaf, Leaf Thorn, Schick DE safety razor), I definitely find the Leaf quickest, but then that time is negated due to having to do more passes to get closer to BBS. If you're not looking for BBS, I guess it's not too bad of a razor (hard to cut yourself with it, so really good in that regard). How long on average do head shaves take you with your various razors? Mine are all 35-50 minutes on average.
Basically, I can trying to get that shaving time down. It doesn't have to be perfectly BBS, just looking for something close that doesn't take that much time.
I also may as well ask, as I found a store in AU that sells Razorock razors, and the guy helping me (he's been super helpful with all the questions I've asked) has recommended the Gamechanger .84-P. He said he thinks that will give me the best balance between shaving time and smoothness. It's a bit pricey here ($129.95 - might be cheaper to order from an overseas store even with shipping cost added), though, so I am just not sure whether to give it a go or not?
Yes. Italianbarber.comI'm also just not sure a DE razor is best for me and my head. I only have the cheap Schick DE safety razor to go by (never tried an other DE razors), and I tried using it again for the first time in quite a few months with a Super Iridium DE blade, but ended up with more cuts than I've ever had before using it (not sure if it was the blade as I never used a Super Iridium in it before, or my technique as I was used to the Leaf Shave and Leaf Thorn which are a lot more forgiving razors even if you use a bit of force with them). I also don't have a lot of padding on my head (been trying to gain weight), but I have a high metabolism and some other factors/issues not allowing me to gain weight like I want to/am trying to, so very low body fat (I think this might not help when shaving my head).
Is this Italianbarber.com? If so, thank you very much, as I just checked out this store and it seems they ship to Australia, so this opens up even more options for me. Do they go on sale often as I'd love to try them at those prices (it would negate some of the shipping cost)? Even at those prices in full, it's almost worth me trying both as here in AU the Hawk V2 is triple the cost and I can't find the Eco for sale anywhere.
That's my assessment. Once i bought my Vector, the stainless steel Hawk V3 felt redundant so I sold it. They both shave well, but the Vector is lighter/smaller and easier to maneuver. I like the Hawk Eco for its economy and blade variety, and just to mix things up a bit.Yeah, I don't know much about the Artist Club blades. You guys will have to tell me what the advantages and disadvantages are compared to regular DE blades. Also, what are the differences between the Hawk V2 and V3?
So for head shaving, how would you rate all your razors? From what I am understanding, Vector is number 1, then the Hawk V2/V3, Eco are all on a similar level and then the Leaf maybe 3rd?
IB's price for the Hawk V3 is 69.99 (one of my faves).
RazoRock Stainless Steel "Standard" HAWK Single-Edge Razor - v3 – ItalianBarber
RazoRock Stainless Steel "Standard" HAWK Single-Edge Razor - v3PROUDLY MADE IN ONTARIO, CANADA*NOTE: If you are buying the individual parts such as the ...www.italianbarber.com
@Ice09 I'm not a head shaver, so I can't speak to your razor musings. But B&B members frequently sell and purchase used shaving equipment on the Buy/Sell/Trade forum. I have my own cleaning routines that give me confidence in the safety using of secondhand purchases--as do many others, I'm sure. And someone might be selling a razor you're curious to try. There's no post threshold for making purchases, however:
IB's price for the Hawk V3 is 69.99 (one of my faves).
RazoRock Stainless Steel "Standard" HAWK Single-Edge Razor - v3 – ItalianBarber
RazoRock Stainless Steel "Standard" HAWK Single-Edge Razor - v3PROUDLY MADE IN ONTARIO, CANADA*NOTE: If you are buying the individual parts such as the ...www.italianbarber.com
I second ewk's suggestions!
Sorry, I missed this.
Harry's was the last I used.
I do three passes with any, all razors. My shaves using an SE razor aren't faster, actually takes me a bit longer but the result is closer. I only shave my head every fourth day, so speed is not really a consideration.
The SE razors work very well around the ears.
Artist Club blades are much stiffer, and shave very well, but are much more expensive. I use the guarded blades since it is harder to cut yourself and still get very close shaves.
DE half-blades allow a LOT of choices, especially if you snap your own in half. I find the shave just as good, and the blades are much cheaper, though when I use the Hawk Eco I'm always more mindful as it seems more likely to punish me for bad technique. Once I got comfortable though, cuts and nicks are rare.
I only had/used the V3, so I can't compare.
I've never used a Thorn or Twig
I've never used any of my SE razors on my face.
Everyone is different. I bought both the 84P and the 68P and sold the 84P after using both (face only) and finding the 68P was all I needed. The razors are identical except for the base plates, which can be purchased separately if you want to try both. These razors often show up in the BST forum.
Yes. Italianbarber.com
That's my assessment. Once i bought my Vector, the stainless steel Hawk V3 felt redundant so I sold it. They both shave well, but the Vector is lighter/smaller and easier to maneuver. I like the Hawk Eco for its economy and blade variety, and just to mix things up a bit.
Yep. I mentioned that in my original post. For 20 bucks (on sale) I was referring to the aluminum version. Not quite as nice, though still a capable shaver and an inexpensive means of trying the AC blade format.
Personally, if within budget, I would go for the stainless steel version.
When I did shave Head it was daily tool of choice was BIC Black, or Schick SST.
Now there is so little head hair wise old clipper.
Also, I think I definitely want to try an Artist Club razor as it sounds like something I want to experiment with. Did you have a link to those guarded blades you use? I found a store in AU that sells them, but they only have the Feather Pro blades I think they were (I'd have to double check).
I couldn't find this one listed. Maybe I am missing it. I checked on Italian Barber. Do they still sell it? Am I missing it somewhere
@Ice09 I think that @DesertIguana was referring to BIC 7oclock Black blades (sometimes called ninjas) and presumably the Schick is also a blade type.
Meantime in regard to my contribution, I clean razors with a toothbrush and Dawn—some members use inexpensive ultrasound cleaning devices. Used brushes they get a dip in a diluted citric acid bath to remove soap scum.
Feather ProGuard of Kai Protouch.
Plain aluminum:
Note that the aluminum razors above are the V2. I don't know specifically how those are different from the stainless steel V3, other than the material. The V2 worked for me, and I only bought the V3 for the upgraded material. The V2 should still give you an idea about the characteristics of the AC blade, though the stainless steel is a much nicer razor.
@Ice09 sorry I didn’t realize you were in AU, you’re correct that Dawn is just a dishwashing/all purpose detergent. I’ve never needed to introduce chemical cleaning to razors, the mechanical action of detergent and brush has seemed to handle any soap scum. Some members used Scrubbing Bubbles foaming bathroom cleaner, but that seems excessively harsh to me. Some folks swear by it.
Food grade citric acid can sometimes be found in bulk at specialty grocery stores. It can also be found online. I can’t point you toward a specific brand but someone else might. I only soak brushes in a dilute solution very infrequently, and not for a long duration (perhaps 20 minutes or less) with thorough rinsing afterword.
Just shaved with the new BBS OC. Before giving my thoughts on its performance I want everyone to know I really enjoy Razorock razors.
I have most of Razorock’s razors and feel I am in the minority saying I don’t really enjoy the Game Changer models. I prefer the Mamba and Lupo versions. To me they are smoother shavers. The Mamba 70 and Lupo (aluminum) have been in my rotation for a few years and I really love them. I have the stainless BBS closed comb and think of it as a cousin to the Mamba - they are similar.
Before tonight, my last shave was with the stainless steel PAA Ascension open comb - the one advertised as twist adjustable. I find it to be a very close shave but a rough shave. For me there’s too much blade feel to be an everyday razor.
The stainless BSS is similar to the PAA because it applies a very similar curve to the blade. You can twist adjust the BBS the same as you can the PAA Ascension. And that’s where the similarity ends.
The BBS OC is excellent! The OC head distinguishes itself from its Mamba cousins offering something different. I do feel Razorock has a ‘house feel’ and the BBS is on the smoother side (the JAWS being a bit rough on my face). Blade feel is slightly greater than the Mamba 70 but there’s no worry of being nicked. It’s great under and around the nose and excellent for scrubbing against the grain. I enjoyed it and will keep it in my rotation until - if/when - I replace it with something else.
For anyone interested in finding common ground, my favorite razors are on the mild side (Tatara Masamune is my favorite followed by Razorock Mamba 70). I’d include the new BBS OC on the list of favorites - it’s similar but different. It might be the best OC I’ve used. I really loved it.
@Ice09 I have seen some AUS listings on the BST, albeit very infrequently. You might have better success selling through eBay.
I’m not familiar with the BBS razor specifically, I own the RR GameChanger .84-P and have enjoyed the shaves it provides. From a brief look around the forum folks were satisfied with the BBS variants, the OC being somewhat less aggressive than the AS. Both of those razors would be dramatically more aggressive than what you’ve tried so far, it will take practice and patience to refine your technique to achieve the results you want.
Another more affordable OC razor to consider would be a FaTip. The advantage of getting a BBS razor would be having the option to try several baseplates.
Me either. I don't dabble much in razors above the $50 USD mark, so if I don't like a razor I usually give it away on the forum. I don't imagine eBay is that difficult to use, but again I have no experience.never sold on Ebay before
You hit the nail on the head. Aggressive-er razors demand better technique, typically because of larger blade gaps or greater blade exposure, there's less room for error. Most importantly, with any razor (but especially the more aggressive variety) you must use the lightest possible touch of the blade against the face. Typically these more efficient razors will more rapidly and dramatically punish a person shaving with any pressure.more about the technique and finding the right angle
The Piccolo and Grande differ only in handles, their heads are identical. FaTip only makes three heads: Gentile (closed comb/safety bar, less aggressive) Originale (open comb) and Lo Sorto (slant). Perhaps for head shaving, the Retro makes the most sense: it uses the open comb head with a longer handle, might make it easier to use.Which of the FaTips
The guide pins on the FaTip razors are smaller than the holes in standard razor blades. I'm not sure why they made this design decision, but it means there's "play" in the alignment of the blade. If loaded carelessly, the blade can be out of parallel with the head/teeth and make for an inconsistent shave. The blade must be installed correctly, inspected afterword, and adjusted as necessary. With some experience, this process takes no longer than 60 seconds.blade alignment
Me either. I don't dabble much in razors above the $50 USD mark, so if I don't like a razor I usually give it away on the forum. I don't imagine eBay is that difficult to use, but again I have no experience.
You hit the nail on the head. Aggressive-er razors demand better technique, typically because of larger blade gaps or greater blade exposure, there's less room for error. Most importantly, with any razor (but especially the more aggressive variety) you must use the lightest possible touch of the blade against the face. Typically these more efficient razors will more rapidly and dramatically punish a person shaving with any pressure.
To their benefit, they usually "work" with less precise angles, because the blade reaches the hair (and hopefully not the skin) more easily. For the same reason, they also have an easier time cutting flat lying stubble. If you can develop a gentle touch, other mistakes won't result in cuts/nicks/injury (this mantra applies to shaving with any razor). Aggressive razors are to be respected, but not feared.
The Piccolo and Grande differ only in handles, their heads are identical. FaTip only makes three heads: Gentile (closed comb/safety bar, less aggressive) Originale (open comb) and Lo Sorto (slant). Perhaps for head shaving, the Retro makes the most sense: it uses the open comb head with a longer handle, might make it easier to use.
The guide pins on the FaTip razors are smaller than the holes in standard razor blades. I'm not sure why they made this design decision, but it means there's "play" in the alignment of the blade. If loaded carelessly, the blade can be out of parallel with the head/teeth and make for an inconsistent shave. The blade must be installed correctly, inspected afterword, and adjusted as necessary. With some experience, this process takes no longer than 60 seconds.
However it is annoying, and some folks have attempted DIY fixes to reduce this challenge. In my personal experience, it is annoying but ultimately not problematic. These are all-brass razors at 1/2 the cost of Zamak (pot metal that erodes if the plating is damaged) and they shave beautifully when loaded correctly. FaTip also uses an exotic threading on the head post, so you can't switch handles easily. But to me, that's become a non-issue as I've adjusted to the razor.
I have been head shaving just a few weeks now
Once of twice weekly
Alternating between King C Gilette & EJ Kelvin...both mild razors
Razor blades various Derby Extra/Premium,King C Gillette ,Astra Stainless
Nivea Shaving Cream is my weapon of choice
My technique is improving not getting nicks/cuts much now except if there are acne spots lurking around
I usually go 1st pass WTG then 2/3 passes ATG
Usually taking me 30mins as i take my time - especially around the back
As always practice practice practice as technique is everything