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Question on wearing vests

Ok. Next question: would you wear a vest with a short sleeve dress shirt?

Not usually, IMHO a short sleeve dress shirt with a tie looks a bit "Homer Simpson" - adding a waistcoat looks even more "Homer Simpson"
But having said that, if it's laundry day and all your long sleeve shirts are in the wash, and you decide to wear a short sleeved shirt with a 3-piece suit out of sheer desperation - you might just get away with it provided you don't take your jacket off until you get home
I was at Bluecoat distillery in Philly over the weekend and the bartenders all seemed to wear suit vests over broadcloth ****s, and, as I recall, a variety of slacks/jeans. I do not recall whether some or all wore ties. It was a good look for a bartender. I do not know what that says about what any of the rest of us ought to be wearing anywhere!


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Ok. Next question: would you wear a vest with a short sleeve dress shirt?

I suggest that the short sleeve shirt is designed primarily for hotter conditions where long sleeves are going to be too hot to wear. The vest, however, is for wearing when it's colder than a mere shirt can deal with. So a vest on a short-sleeve shirt is kind of like turning on the heater and the A/C at the same time.
True but very popular in Germany because of the lack of air conditioning.
In Rome do (dress) as the Romans.

I had a boss a long time ago who had been transferred to Hawaii (as I recall, Hawaii, I may be screwing this story all up!!). He found that the guayabera was the required business shirt, at least among certain folks, at least in certain contexts. (Apparently, it was also important to wear the "correct" brand of guayabera.) This may be true for Mexico, Central and South America, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, too. But it is not going to be true for NYC!

I personally would not wear a short-sleeved, broadcloth, button-up shirt in the business contexts in which I am involved, although I might wear a polo shirt. If I were working for NASA in the 1960s, maybe. If I worked at a drafting table all day--does anyone do that these days?--maybe. Or if I were working at a grocery store pricing some cans--does anyone actually price cans anymore?? But I am pretty old-school, for want of a better term.
Yea, went to Europe on a business trip in the middle of July and the Germans were wearing short sleeve dress shirts and ties and I don't blame them because their government buildings are not air conditioned.

I really like wearing linen Guayabera's during the summer but not to the office as you said even though I find them dressier than polo shirts. Sometimes I feel under dressed wearing a long sleeve linen shirt to the office because of the wrinkles.
I agree! I miss some of the previous members @gegarrenton & @graysonhenryrussell of the Haberdashery board where we discussed quality clothing, accessories and personal style instead of where can I find the cheapest dress shirt and tie. Some great discussions on Savile Row tailors and British vs Italian style.

Well I'm quite flattered that whilst searching for something else I came across this post!

Hope you have been well my friend in this crazy year.
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