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RR GC .84P

The .84P seems to rate head and shoulders above everything else on your list.

KCG: Modern Gillette, Zamak head and ? handle

As I understand it, the handle is chrome coated brass.

It's interesting how such a "plebeian" razor rates right up there.

Not that there us anything wrong with being plebeian. It just happens to be an ordinary razor, that despite being readable available, tends to fly below the radar.

That being said, it is razor I most use daily.

While it comes off as mild, it really shaves as close as is actually necessary.

Hard to get top notch results, but very presentable results are easy.

Exactly what I mean.

but you have to be careful not to buff and polish too much to reach better shaves becasue it may cause irritation.

It took me a while to figure this out myself. It's really a matter of not trying to obtain a shave that the razor was not intended to produce.

I was basically touch-upping myself into needless razor rash. When I just learned to accept the razor for what it is, my face thanked me for it.

Once I learned to back off a bit, everything was clear sailing from that point forward.

I see the Lord L6 is the demarcation point...
Vintage Swedish razor(~1930's-1960's). I think it is plated brass, but I could be wrong.

Vintage Swedish razor(~1920's-1950's). I think it is plated brass, but I could be wrong.
From what I can tell by the wear on mine they are both brass indeed.

Nice stats there!! In terms of translating this back - the Game Changer scores the highest overall Z score, but what does that translate back to? What is your average shave rating (if the average is say BBS levels than all razors with a positive Z or 0 are very good razors because they deliver BBS or above).


The .84P seems to rate head and shoulders above everything else on your list.

As I understand it, the handle is chrome coated brass.

It's interesting how such a "plebeian" razor rates right up there.

Not that there us anything wrong with being plebeian. It just happens to be an ordinary razor, that despite being readable available, tends to fly below the radar.

That being said, it is razor I most use daily.

While it comes off as mild, it really shaves as close as is actually necessary.

Exactly what I mean.

It took me a while to figure this out myself. It's really a matter of not trying to obtain a shave that the razor was not intended to produce.

I was basically touch-upping myself into needless razor rash. When I just learned to accept the razor for what it is, my face thanked me for it.

Once I learned to back off a bit, everything was clear sailing from that point forward.

I see the Lord L6 is the demarcation point...
The RR GC .84P is the all round top razor. It is not the highest when it comes to comfort nor quality, but the combination it does top the list.

Yeah I was also surprised by the KCG. I had dismissed it and like I have mentioned picked it back up about 1.5 month ago. In general I think that getting great shaves with milder razors require you to have more skill and maintain shaving angles better. On mild razors there is a much narrower window of angles at which it works well. I especially like milder ones for my travel razor. My last trip it was between the KCG and the Lord L6 and I gave the KCG the chance and it has been solid.

Yes razor rashing yourself by buffing and polishing is one of my downfalls as well. Now I also found that with milder razors I have to use a wetter lather and not so thick. I think that the thicker lathers will give a bit too much cushion and if you have a mild razor it really struggles to shave you as close as it could.

Yep Lord L6 is in the middle, which is still a solid position. My mean shave quality is 9.1 and my mean shave comfort is 9.5 so being in the middle is not bad at all. Shave quality 9 is DFS+ and shave comfort 9 is skin tightness so still a very good performing razor.
From what I can tell by the wear on mine they are both brass indeed.

Nice stats there!! In terms of translating this back - the Game Changer scores the highest overall Z score, but what does that translate back to? What is your average shave rating (if the average is say BBS levels than all razors with a positive Z or 0 are very good razors because they deliver BBS or above).



Here are my rating scales and my means and std devs. These are split based on number of passes, since I cannot expect to have the same shave quality if I do fewer passes. For 3 pass shaves I have a Shave quality Mean of 9.1, which translate to just north of DFS+ and Shave Comfort Mean of 9.5 which is halfway between no irritation and just a bit of skin tightness. Given this a razor that ends up having a Z-score of 0 is by no means a bad razor either. In all honesty most of the razors I have give me very good shaves and very little trouble.

Btw what handle are you using on your GC68 & GC84?

RR400 Plissoft good performer?

Hmmmmm father’s day is around the corner, could be a good excuse to acquire these heirlooms.

I hope they would offer some discounts so I could sneak some soap and A/S too. 🤔🤣
I bought the HD handle with mine, but you do have handle choices when you order it. BTW I only bought a second base plate when I got the .84P and that is one of the great things you can just get the other base plates and swap them. So fo not much money you can have several razors with different aggressiveness. The Game Changer is a great razor and can easily be a forever razor. Built very solidly. Some like the RR Lupo lineup more, but I cannot speak to them since I do not own a Lupo.

RR400 is a great synthetic brush. It does not have a backbone to speak of though so it is on the floppy side. Now I face lather pretty much 100% and I like it because it hold a good bit of lather and you can just go to town with it. It does tend to fling lather if you are not careful. Now RazoRock has other Plissoft brushes that are not quite as floppy. I really like the RR Hive 24. that had been my main brush up until now. Will the RR400 be my go to brush. Who knows? RR's synthetic brush are in general very good value for what you get. Big Bruce is popular if you like larger brushes. I do not own any of the Plissoft Noir brushes, but supposedly they have a bit more backbone. Please correct me if I am wrong on that.

Father Day is just around the corner and those would be very nice things.

They probably will do some sale around Father's day so you should be able to get some other stuff as well. In general the RR stuff is very reasonable priced I think.
Morning shave - 5/17/24
Razor: Swing SB
Blade: Ladas Stainless Steel (1/5) (5)
Soap: BSS #1
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: Stetson Cooling Moisture
Rating: 9.5/10, DFS+
That was a very pleasant shave. Tried to cut down a bit on shave time so I went for 2.5 pass and I still had a very nice and close shave. No irritation. Blade and razor performing perfectly.

I have been thinking about my morning shaves. I am normally an evening shaver, but I have regularly thinks going on in the evening a few times a week, which brings me home too late to get a shave it. This results in a morning shave instead and I become a bit rushed. I really have two choices here. Either I try to use fewer passes for my shaves and accept a bit lower shave quality as a result or I get up like 15 min earlier to get my full normal happy shave time in. I personally lean towards getting up a bit earlier. What would you do?

I am torn a bit on another dilemma. As you know I mentioned a few days ago that I was going to 3017 my Stetson Cooling Moisture After Shave because it was tacky on the skin etc etc. Well someone is trying to tell me something because I have gotten some approving comments on my after shave and I have to say I do rather like the scent. Maybe I need to keep a bottle around after all.

Happy shaves everyone!
Now I also found that with milder razors I have to use a wetter lather and not so thick. I think that the thicker lathers will give a bit too much cushion and if you have a mild razor it really struggles to shave you as close as it could.
Words of wisdom there. I discovered the same recently when face lathering off a puck. The temptation is to not fully develop the lather when you are rushed for time, leaving a thick layer of soap. It is slick enough but if you leave the consistency too thick, a mild razor doesn't have the margin to cut well with all that soap gunking up the job.
Words of wisdom there. I discovered the same recently when face lathering off a puck. The temptation is to not fully develop the lather when you are rushed for time, leaving a thick layer of soap. It is slick enough but if you leave the consistency too thick, a mild razor doesn't have the margin to cut well with all that soap gunking up the job.
I think this is one of the reasons why I like face lathering. As you go through your passes and rinse and wet your face between it makes the next lather layer a bit wetter and thinner automatically, which helps when it comes to the ATG pass.


Not made for these times.
I am torn a bit on another dilemma. As you know I mentioned a few days ago that I was going to 3017 my Stetson Cooling Moisture After Shave because it was tacky on the skin etc etc. Well someone is trying to tell me something because I have gotten some approving comments on my after shave and I have to say I do rather like the scent. Maybe I need to keep a bottle around after all.
Speaking of Stetson, have any of you seen the Stetson Fresh aftershave?

I think I've only seen it in those gift packs that you see during the holidays?

Morning shave - 5/17/24
Razor: Swing SB
Blade: Ladas Stainless Steel (1/5) (5)
Soap: BSS #1
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: Stetson Cooling Moisture
Rating: 9.5/10, DFS+
That was a very pleasant shave. Tried to cut down a bit on shave time so I went for 2.5 pass and I still had a very nice and close shave. No irritation. Blade and razor performing perfectly.

I have been thinking about my morning shaves. I am normally an evening shaver, but I have regularly thinks going on in the evening a few times a week, which brings me home too late to get a shave it. This results in a morning shave instead and I become a bit rushed. I really have two choices here. Either I try to use fewer passes for my shaves and accept a bit lower shave quality as a result or I get up like 15 min earlier to get my full normal happy shave time in. I personally lean towards getting up a bit earlier. What would you do?

I am torn a bit on another dilemma. As you know I mentioned a few days ago that I was going to 3017 my Stetson Cooling Moisture After Shave because it was tacky on the skin etc etc. Well someone is trying to tell me something because I have gotten some approving comments on my after shave and I have to say I do rather like the scent. Maybe I need to keep a bottle around after all.

Happy shaves everyone!
Hmmm...I have been an evening shaver because that's what works for my lifestyle and I can enjoy it more without feeling rushed. I am definitely not a morning person so getting up earlier would be out for me but if you can get up earlier to enjoy something for yourself then that will be your reward. Some people have coffee, some read a newspaper (internet), some go for a walk...we happen to enjoy a nice shave. I would hate to see you sacrifice enjoyment at any cost so do what makes you happy! :) I have been on an every other evening shave with occassional 2 evenings in a row and it works for me but if I had my way I would shave twice a day haha.

On to your other dilemma...I recently purchased an aftershave that I really liked a lot BUT my wife hates the smell so I find myself not using it much but I am still keep it around because I enjoy the uniqueness. Hope that helps a tad...I am learning this craft is so very subjective, that's the fun of it!
Hmmm...I have been an evening shaver because that's what works for my lifestyle and I can enjoy it more without feeling rushed. I am definitely not a morning person so getting up earlier would be out for me but if you can get up earlier to enjoy something for yourself then that will be your reward. Some people have coffee, some read a newspaper (internet), some go for a walk...we happen to enjoy a nice shave. I would hate to see you sacrifice enjoyment at any cost so do what makes you happy! :) I have been on an every other evening shave with occassional 2 evenings in a row and it works for me but if I had my way I would shave twice a day haha.

On to your other dilemma...I recently purchased an aftershave that I really liked a lot BUT my wife hates the smell so I find myself not using it much but I am still keep it around because I enjoy the uniqueness. Hope that helps a tad...I am learning this craft is so very subjective, that's the fun of it!
I think I am leaning towards getting up a few minutes earlier. 4:45am vs 5am 🤷‍♂️ it is early either way. Besides if I do real quick shaves I do not have as smooth of a face to rub all day. Although it is frowned upon doing that too much during meetings and seen as being a bit weird.

Hmmm 2 days without shaving now you are entering caveman category here. Oh no at most 36 hours between shaves. Isn't it funny how nowadays I do not feel completely "clean" unless I have had a good shave. A shower is not enough. Am I the only one?

I think the el cheapo Stetson has to stay. I will continue my 3017 of it though. Now if I use up a couple of bottles of them I have some great ones to make custom AS mixes in since they are glass.
I haven't got any complaints from the new GF on any of my aftershaves as of yet, but I have so many. We'll see what happens. :ihih:
See here is another dilemma. We like to rotate our AS quite a bit. I have maybe 10-12 of them. The problem is that when we are gone and our grandkids remember us they will not have that one scent that reminds them of us. Our grandfathers used one AS and it became their trademark.
Evening shaves here as well. One time I even shave at midnight because we came home very late. I did not want to break my cycle.

I haven’t shave for 3 days now and intend to shave on Sunday for a 5 day growth. You know that feeling trying to restrain yourself from something you want to do. It’s killing me already.

But I want to challenge and put Nacet into test. It would be my 1st time to finally use this blade. Expectation is high and I am hoping to get good result.
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