Being relatively new to wet shaving and soaps etc I was wondering how much of a soaps reported effectiveness/quality/slickness or lack of it , can be attributed to true soap quality versus poor lathering technique etc.
For example if I hadn't asked questions when recently using TOBS soap for the first week or so I may have incorrectly assumed the soap didn't perfrom as well as others I seem to have the knack of getting efficient lather from.
We all have our favourites of course but it seems unfair to be put off a soap because someone with eg: 5000 posts (no one in particular) says dont waste your money on "brand X" its over priced and doesnt perform as well as "brand Y" where in actual fact it simply could be a case of lack of technique.
I am NOT trying to stir up an argument Gents and maybe its simply a matter of YMMV but I think there is a bit more to it than that.
Your thoughts??
I realize this could apply to razors/blades and all manor of things but its soaps I am trying to learn more about at the moment.
Thanks for your time !
For example if I hadn't asked questions when recently using TOBS soap for the first week or so I may have incorrectly assumed the soap didn't perfrom as well as others I seem to have the knack of getting efficient lather from.
We all have our favourites of course but it seems unfair to be put off a soap because someone with eg: 5000 posts (no one in particular) says dont waste your money on "brand X" its over priced and doesnt perform as well as "brand Y" where in actual fact it simply could be a case of lack of technique.
I am NOT trying to stir up an argument Gents and maybe its simply a matter of YMMV but I think there is a bit more to it than that.
Your thoughts??
I realize this could apply to razors/blades and all manor of things but its soaps I am trying to learn more about at the moment.
Thanks for your time !