First, let me apologize for unknowingly using the same avatar as Thelonius1. Turns out, we picked the same one for exactly the same reasons! A sociopath covered in blood makes for a good shaving forum avatar indeed. I feel he is rightly entitled to the image, so I changed mine to one from Mad Men (which I equally enjoy). If this is also your avatar, let me know!
On to my story I thought I would share. This morning, my 6 month old was in his bouncy seat while the wife and I were getting ready for work. He was a little upset because he couldn't see us. My wife went out and turned the seat so he could see into the bathroom. She said "you can watch Daddy get ready" I was lathering up and turned to look at him, and he was screaming laughing. Since he was in his PJ's still, I took the brush and lathered up his face a tiny bit too. He loved it. The wife said "you know they make little kid sets like that" (which I did know, and have seen posted here). She then said, "I hope when you teach him to shave, it's with a brush and a DE- Maybe we can get him one of those toy sets, and it can be a fun bath time thing that you can do together.
On to my story I thought I would share. This morning, my 6 month old was in his bouncy seat while the wife and I were getting ready for work. He was a little upset because he couldn't see us. My wife went out and turned the seat so he could see into the bathroom. She said "you can watch Daddy get ready" I was lathering up and turned to look at him, and he was screaming laughing. Since he was in his PJ's still, I took the brush and lathered up his face a tiny bit too. He loved it. The wife said "you know they make little kid sets like that" (which I did know, and have seen posted here). She then said, "I hope when you teach him to shave, it's with a brush and a DE- Maybe we can get him one of those toy sets, and it can be a fun bath time thing that you can do together.