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Public apology, and funny story...

First, let me apologize for unknowingly using the same avatar as Thelonius1. Turns out, we picked the same one for exactly the same reasons! A sociopath covered in blood makes for a good shaving forum avatar indeed. I feel he is rightly entitled to the image, so I changed mine to one from Mad Men (which I equally enjoy). If this is also your avatar, let me know!

On to my story I thought I would share. This morning, my 6 month old was in his bouncy seat while the wife and I were getting ready for work. He was a little upset because he couldn't see us. My wife went out and turned the seat so he could see into the bathroom. She said "you can watch Daddy get ready" I was lathering up and turned to look at him, and he was screaming laughing. Since he was in his PJ's still, I took the brush and lathered up his face a tiny bit too. He loved it. The wife said "you know they make little kid sets like that" (which I did know, and have seen posted here). She then said, "I hope when you teach him to shave, it's with a brush and a DE- Maybe we can get him one of those toy sets, and it can be a fun bath time thing that you can do together.
First, let me apologize for unknowingly using the same avatar as Thelonius1. Turns out, we picked the same one for exactly the same reasons! A sociopath covered in blood makes for a good shaving forum avatar indeed. I feel he is rightly entitled to the image, so I changed mine to one from Mad Men (which I equally enjoy). If this is also your avatar, let me know!

On to my story I thought I would share. This morning, my 6 month old was in his bouncy seat while the wife and I were getting ready for work. He was a little upset because he couldn't see us. My wife went out and turned the seat so he could see into the bathroom. She said "you can watch Daddy get ready" I was lathering up and turned to look at him, and he was screaming laughing. Since he was in his PJ's still, I took the brush and lathered up his face a tiny bit too. He loved it. The wife said "you know they make little kid sets like that" (which I did know, and have seen posted here). She then said, "I hope when you teach him to shave, it's with a brush and a DE- Maybe we can get him one of those toy sets, and it can be a fun bath time thing that you can do together.

You Sir, are a gentleman and no such apology is available. I thank you for your courtesy.

I believe T & H makes children's shave kits. I've got a God Child in Charlotte, N.C. (close to your neck of the woods) that I want to get one for, (in process of trying to get his dad to join the DE world)

Again, my thanks for your courtesy!
What a cute story! I miss the days when my son was that little. It's great to see your wife has taken a liking to traditional wet shaving. Now my son is four and loves to shave with me as well. He keeps his shaving set by mine. :lol: As he gets older, he'll be more and more fun. :thumbup:
Target has one for much less than the T&H kit - but you can also spend more. Various child kits are available on the web and the bay.
I will need to check out Target. I tend to be there quite frequently (we have a super target, so between there and Costco I tend to cover all bases).

NC is great. I have not really spent much time in Charolette, as it is 3 hrs from me. I have, however, transfered planes at their airport and driven through on my way up 95.

Since I am quite impressed by the decorum of this board, I felt the desire to apologize as a gentleman, even for a small oversight. Really, we are all a "brand" and my avatar was equal to accidental copyright infringement.
I'm going to Target too. My son (now 21 months) have been lathered too and likes my Santa Claus look in the morning.

I too have wanted to get a kids' shaving set for him.

You have a smart wife.
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