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Proraso Sandalwood

Boom! I just used proraso red for the 1st time this morning. Off the chain. Scent is awesome, not too potent. Gives nice cushion for my barber pole with feather blade and was plenty slick. I may hang up my green tube for a while. Give this product a whirl, it won't disappoint.
Yeah, i love the Sandalwood too.. it is a very unique scent with that great Proraso lather.
If i only had one cream to use for my shaves, this would probably be the one......

This is the cream I started with (last month). Thinking I had a very sensitive skin because of my terrible cartridges shaves, I was a bit worried the green one would be a bit too strong for me. I love the red one, it's very easy to get a great protective lather. But now I want to try the green one!
I got this a few weeks ago, really like it. Get a great shave with it. Was my first sandlewood scented product so dont have anything to compare it too but I do really like the smell. I think I prefer proraso green ever so slightly
I got this a few weeks ago, really like it. Get a great shave with it. Was my first sandlewood scented product so dont have anything to compare it too but I do really like the smell. I think I prefer proraso green ever so slightly

My first cream was the green,fantastic product. I currently use the green Pre shave every morning along with the red, pretty descent combo. The sandalwood lingers for a few hours after my shave. I agree with some others, that this cream may be better for winter use. Time will tell I suppose.
One of the best creams available. And an authentic sandalwood scent. The scent puts some guys off who are expecting a cologne-ish sandalwood, since they've never smelled the real thing. I think we're lucky to have it on the market, personally.
Proraso sandalwood; my first non-canned shaving cream, and still in the den! I love teaming it up with a scent-compatible soap for a nutty, woody awesome morning lather!
Man, I am WAY behind when it comes to creams/soaps. Haven't bought any in ages.

But Kevan, fellow sandalwood enthusiast, says it's good. I don't need any opinion other than that :lol:
I really enjoyed it - the scent was quite soapy which was nice. The OH wasn't impressed though, so it's not a keeper.
I have some and I like it. I like my TOBS Sandalwood better, even though it's not a true sandalwood scent from what I've been told. It also has the same great Proraso performance as the green.
ok just shaved with the red tub with the proraso white pre cream and a Astra SP. So far this has been the smoothest shave with a DE.
The scent is ok but probably my last sandalwood scent. If this stuff smelled like Cella, it would the only lather I'd ever need
I just got a new tube of Proraso red, works at least as well as the green for me. I love the smell, like real sandalwood, not cologne. Can't recommend it enough.


my brain goes "thonk"
My daughter said she hates sandalwood, but she likes the smell of this one. It smells like laundry detergent in the tub to me, but after I lathered it up that changed. I thought it performed well and I like the scent. This is the first proraso product I have used and I like it. If my daughter likes the smell and dosen't like sandalwood , that's saying something. She likes soapy smelling creams and she fid say it smelled like soap. By the way AOS has a really good sandalwood cream. When I use it, I can't get the smell out of my brush. It clashes with the scent of any other cream I might use the next day.
Best cream on the market, man. I've used various scents from TOBS, T&H, GFT, Penhaligon's, and Harris as well as Tabac, Palmolive, Speick, and the other Prorasos. This one beats them all in cushion, slickness, and moisturizing. The lack of menthol is the only reason I put it away during the warmer months.
It's a nice cool weather alternative to the green.

I've got a tube also, and I haven't felt the desire to use it (or my AOS Sandalwood) this summer. Both are great creams, but sandalwood just seems to go so much better with fall or winter.
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