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Professor Flanders's Journal of Nerdy Observations and silly camaraderie

Prayers for you my friend, keep sight of the goal and pursue it relentlessly, razors and other AD can wait. Who knows, when the time comes and you are flying around the world the desire for worldly pursuits may be a thing of the past. I truly enjoyed your post and learned much from the journal, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Prioritizing mental health isn’t an easy thing to do and you should be commended for doing this. This is the perfect first step towards a better tomorrow. You’ll get there. Believe in yourself and take one day at a time. You’re already further along than you may believe because you are self-aware and have already taken the hardest first step of working on your own mental health. Peace be with you.


Likes a fat handle in his hand
Stepping back

I had a nice post started in my head comparing two very different neutral exposure razor, The General and the Tatara Nodamune, but recent happenings have gotten in the way and I have lost interest. I will say that there really is a difference between a neutral exposure AC razor and a DE in the efficiency, but not in the comfort.

As is probably obvious, I have been absent the last couple weeks and I almost didn’t come back to type up this post. I have a lot going on personally and there is only one person on here that knows the whole story. I am not going to be checking in here regularly for the foreseeable future and I want to talk about why. Then, I am going finally talk about what I am doing and why I didn’t want to share this publicly. I want to mention right now, before this gets wordy, that I always answer and look forward to PMs.

I guess I need start to by thanking everybody that I have regularly interacted with over the years and more recently; you are the only reason I have stuck around and I am going to miss our regular interactions. I was quite busy last summer and I started visiting here less and less until I dropped off finally later in the year. When I did return more regularly, I was exclusively interacting with this website through the journals and diaries forum so I could at least see how everybody is doing and what is new in their shave den. I will forever be grateful that I was back on here in time to have a couple more interactions with Doug before his passing and I followed along with his treatment until the end.

Now we have to get to the negativity, briefly. I have come to the conclusion that this website is not good for my mental health and browsing it regularly is making me unhappy and I am not joking. The easiest way that I can explain it is that I can’t participate in the ways that I did in the past and seeing other people being able to makes me feel left out. This is nobody else’s fault than my own, but it doesn’t change the situation. Frankly, I can’t spend the money to buy the things I want to try and seeing the rate of accumulation that others are enjoying makes me unhappy. Not because I am jealous, but because I am trying to be responsible and having to see what I am missing is worse for me than the positive benefits I get from being here. I wish that last part wasn’t true, but I am finally being honest with myself. I haven’t bought anything this year other than one soap and aftershave set and it’s been more than a year since I have bought any razors. I certainly had plans to acquire at least one in that time period and one more this summer, but that didn’t and ain‘t happening. All I really wanted to do was keep buying one moderately high end razor per year so I have something new to have experiences with, not even several per year. I am plenty happy with what I have and am grateful that they will continue to provide enjoyment for many years, but I need new things occasionally to keep me interested.

So who am I exactly? I haven’t hidden the fact that I am a guy in his forties and many know where I am from, but what I have been hiding is what I do and the reason is out of some embarrassment and generally the constant uncertainty of my situation. I am going to have to try to dance around some of the specifics of my whole situation, but I am right now a full time student pilot. I have an enormous student loan and I am about to take on a smaller personal loan just to get through this. I had some savings and some assistance when I signed the student loan and I just recently had that yanked out from underneath me and I am just going to have to keep burying myself in debt until I finish the program or the whole thing blows up in my face. After running every possible scenario, this is the only viable option otherwise I have to offload all of my obligations and take on a menial full time job. I will not be able to continue school in that scenario and I will still be stuck with my student loan payments for eternity. This whole thing is the culmination of at least six years of diligent work and planning before I even started the school and I am not about pack it up without a fight. This is what I want to do with what time I have left, I should be able to get a 20 year career out of this before mandatory retirement age. If it all blows up before I can finish then I have no real future at my age; I recently lost access to where I was living, have no rental history and have been turned down due to this. The place where I lived and the location of my current residence are what could be described as traps, places where there is no hope for a meaningful life and no easy way out. The jobs are insultingly low paying and a person would be lucky to pay their bills, forget about saving to move out! I am currently getting away without having to pay housing expenses, but my student loan payment is literally as much as a studio apartment and I couldn’t pay both with a low wage job so I would probably be living out of my car again. It was fun in my early twenties, but the difficulties of being on the margins of society are very different now. I can’t say that I remain hopeful, all I can do is keep pushing harder to keep the above thoughts quieted. A lot of this is going to come down to luck and I need that to start tilting in my favor soon.

I guess I will wrap this up where I started and thank everybody that reads this;I hope I have been of some help or use over the years and I hope you know how much I value the friendship that I have found here. I hope this isn’t my obituary, but I wouldn’t rule that out honestly. I hope to talk to you all again in the future when I am in a better place mentally and financially. Knowing myself, I will be back to buying razors again once I am working whether I can afford it or not!

Believe it or not, I completely understand, and it makes sense that you have to spend more time on your studies, as that is most important right now. Take as much time as you need, so that you may get your ratings and secure your pilots license. Once you have done that, you may come back to tell us all about it. The amount of time that you have previously spent on this forum, all the helpful information that you have donated to others, You sir, are an amazing person and a true gentlemen! 🤝
Aaron, I'm not sure if this will help, but take one moment at a time and make the most out of each one. If a moment demands study, then immerse yourself in your studies.

Also, I've found compartmentalizing things can help. While you are in the plane, appreciate that flight. When thoughts and fears come into your mind, acknowledge them, but make the conscious decision to set them aside while you enjoy your time in the air. There will be adequate time to address challenges when doing so is required, but you don't need to address them while you are doing something else that is even more important to you.

Take a breath. You are bright and capable. Be confident that you will get through this. Those of us responding to you here already know you will, even if you have to disengage or have doubts.
Aaron, you take care of you. That's the most important thing. We'll always be here, especially if you need encouragement or just friendly voices. I truly hope things work out for you and I'm glad to see you working and pushing back against what is being handed out to you. I've always been amazed at how student loans are calculated and presented. It's a heavy burden and we're all pulling for you to come out on the other side of this intact and ready to kick some butt.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Oh boy did I get a response, sorry about that! I have been travelling all day yesterday; a flight and four hours of driving that was supposed to take two(Friday before a holiday of course).

Just reading these responses is starting to overwhelm me, but I have to apologise to the senders that PMed me messages: I will get to each one individually. I did say I will always answer... eventually!

Aaron, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you Eric. Your constant presence and kindness on here makes it hard for me step aside, but I chose that phrase carefully.

Keep at it Aaron, you'll get there!
Thank you Larry, I know I will. I just don't know what kind of mess I am going to be by the time I get there. The school I am at is really hard and they aren't pushing people through quickly due to the demand. I chose them and while I have some regrets, at least I will likely survive the process.

And about the "happiness from getting a new razor thing", you get to fly my friend!!
Most people don't and only dream of it. It's a blessing!
I needed this reminder, but I got it already on my flight home yesterday! I was on a 135 flight so I had ForeFlight open the whole time and treated it like it was part of my study. Even somebody who doesn't know much about aviation saw what I was up to and asked for an estimate of how much longer we had. I quickly estimate that we were covering 6NM per minute, figured out the distance and gave him a surprisingly accurate estimate. But even flying around in anything that the wings aren't falling off is amazing! I fly the G1000 cockpit, but it's non-WAAS.

Stay strong Aaron!

At least you have your target set clearly, more pain, more gain!
Thank you Lebin, I am glad I got you out of hiding at least. Thanks for the story about your brother. I will stop back by occasionally, but on somebody's journal though. I just need to avoid reading things that I shouldn't read...

You’re persistent, resourceful, and intelligent, Aaron. You’ve got this.
Thank you Thom. I hope we put our misunderstand behind us earlier this year and we don't have to talk about that again. Between you and Eric, I can't decide who is always here more. One of you is always leaving a like minutes after posting and usually a reply as well!

I was saddened to read about your current situation, but I’m confident you’ll reach your goal and be flying in what seems like no time….. after this season of difficulty…. as you look back on it.
I am sorry that it came out the way it did, I probably should have waited till I had some sleep. It's been very frustrated dealing with the things that I haven't mentioned and now sudden financial trouble. I will push on. Thank you for being here Kim; I know you are working harder than I am in your retirement, but at least you are making it work.

I see that I still have more to respond to, but I actually have to head down to the school in a couple hours and haven't done anything to get ready. I will try to get to the PMs first then the next page, I am honestly a bit overwhelmed. Thanks again everybody!

Please don't fee obligated to respond, but know that I've valued our short time together. You know how to reach me through the contact link on my website.

I think back on when I could have made a major change in my life when I was your age. The problem was, that I had no vision of what to do. It took getting "invited" to leave the corporate world, some 20 years later to make my move.

My hat's off to you for taking action and doing it on your terms. It's no doubt challenging at the moment, and I'm not in your shoes, but others have tread where you're walking.

Stay the course and see this through!

... Thom


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Alright everybody, I am not going anywhere... with conditions. I am so overwhelmed with the responses that I can't go anywhere. You all have won! You have proven to me that the community here is more important than any other consideration and that I am a small part of that. I still have replies to handle, but I just finished dinner. I was gone all day, the traffic was terrible on a holiday as expected.

About those conditions, I am just speaking out loud, they are for me. I am going through and systematically disabling notifications for literally dozens of threads that I follow. What I am not cancelling is all of your journals, they will continue to be my home base here. Maybe I will finally get caught up a bit on some that I am neglecting and feel bad that I haven't got to. The only thing is, I am not going to even attempt to catch every single post. I may go back and try a bit, but there are going to be days where I am on here a lot and days where I am completely absent. Possibly five days without activity.

The rest of the situation that I am not going into detail on is still looming over everything, but what you all have gifted me is a real sense of hope. I know that situation is actually going to get worse, but I am no longer letting it control me. I really had a great day at the school and it was partly because of all of your messages that I read this morning, you are real friends. I have a lot more replies to get to and then let's get back to talking about shaving!


Blade Biter
Alright everybody, I am not going anywhere... with conditions. I am so overwhelmed with the responses that I can't go anywhere. You all have won! You have proven to me that the community here is more important than any other consideration and that I am a small part of that. I still have replies to handle, but I just finished dinner. I was gone all day, the traffic was terrible on a holiday as expected.

About those conditions, I am just speaking out loud, they are for me. I am going through and systematically disabling notifications for literally dozens of threads that I follow. What I am not cancelling is all of your journals, they will continue to be my home base here. Maybe I will finally get caught up a bit on some that I am neglecting and feel bad that I haven't got to. The only thing is, I am not going to even attempt to catch every single post. I may go back and try a bit, but there are going to be days where I am on here a lot and days where I am completely absent. Possibly five days without activity.

The rest of the situation that I am not going into detail on is still looming over everything, but what you all have gifted me is a real sense of hope. I know that situation is actually going to get worse, but I am no longer letting it control me. I really had a great day at the school and it was partly because of all of your messages that I read this morning, you are real friends. I have a lot more replies to get to and then let's get back to talking about shaving!
We've lost our troll hug symbol, but a few beers never hurt anyone!

If it helps, I have two bookmarks set up on my browser. One for "new posts" and another for the journals section.

...and an extra one for "GSB" alerts, I'm sure you understand.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Prayers for you my friend, keep sight of the goal and pursue it relentlessly, razors and other AD can wait.
Thank you John. You are right, I do lose desire for razor AD when I am busy trying not to put the plane in the ground, lol! The problem for me is this is the only place I go to on my time off and I have not been managing myself well enough to be here, but I have no choice except to make it work somehow. I just thought that I couldn't, but you all proved me wrong!

Prioritizing mental health isn’t an easy thing to do and you should be commended for doing this. This is the perfect first step towards a better tomorrow. You’ll get there.
Thank you for this especially Jay, you really understand where I am coming from. This is more of what I needed to hear, to feel like I am understood and that I have to prioritise myself before I can be of any use anybody else.

Believe it or not, I completely understand, and it makes sense that you have to spend more time on your studies, as that is most important right now.
Chris, you already know... we have our Vulcan mind meld engaged, but thank you as always for being available even when you would rather not be.

Aaron, I'm not sure if this will help, but take one moment at a time and make the most out of each one. If a moment demands study, then immerse yourself in your studies.
Mark, this is all solid advice and I need to really think about this more so I am not just reacting to what is happening. Thank you for being here.

Aaron, you've been a great friend and a huge help to me. I wish you well. If that means stepping away for a bit, I fully support that, as I want nothing but the best for you! Know that I am thinking of you and sending caring wishes your way, my friend.
B***n, you have always been so kind and encouraging and thank you again for this.

My prayers and thoughts are with you Aaron through these times.
Thank you Boris! I will remember your kindness when we tease you about GSBs, but at least we can agree about Dorcos.

Please don't fee obligated to respond, but know that I've valued our short time together. You know how to reach me through the contact link on my website.
Thom, thank you for leaving a message and I certainly know how to find you. You are certainly somebody who has found their own way and the two of us are more alike than different I suspect.

@huck1680 Thank you for the encouragement and friendly voices(and the crazy GIFs that you post). Sorry that I lost you quote in the process somewhere!
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Stupid sexy Wing Nut
We've lost our troll hug symbol, but a few beers never hurt anyone!

If it helps, I have two bookmarks set up on my browser. One for "new posts" and another for the journals section.

...and an extra one for "GSB" alerts, I'm sure you understand.
Ya know as I was answering all these messages, I kept trying to find the troll hug. It's a shame that all the past posts that we left one on are now devoid of any symbol. Interesting that that's how I reach the website exactly(except that I have permanent tabs). What I am going to do is eliminate the new posts tab which is hard because I like to respond to brand new threads, but is what I have to do for myself. Of course the GSB alerts, Silvana Bluetata!


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Any @APBinNCA we can get around here is good for us, but only if it’s also good for APBinNCA. 🙂
I just wish they would have let me change my user name a couple years ago when I tried; I was willing to take whatever I could get, but something related to Ned Flanders would now be most appropriate. Maybe I could get a pressure campaign going... they will probably just change my user name to Propeller Head or something equally absurd(which is fine, but devoid of meaning).


Likes a fat handle in his hand
I just wish they would have let me change my user name a couple years ago when I tried; I was willing to take whatever I could get, but something related to Ned Flanders would now be most appropriate. Maybe I could get a pressure campaign going... they will probably just change my user name to Propeller Head or something equally absurd(which is fine, but devoid of meaning).

Yo! You get your pilots license, then you can petition Phil to change your name to Wingin It. Or if you should stick to flying props, you could be called Propeller Popper. I got a whole list of silly names you might like. 🤪
I just wish they would have let me change my user name a couple years ago when I tried; I was willing to take whatever I could get, but something related to Ned Flanders would now be most appropriate. Maybe I could get a pressure campaign going... they will probably just change my user name to Propeller Head or something equally absurd(which is fine, but devoid of meaning).
I claim dibs on propeller head ;-)
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