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Professor Flanders's Journal of Nerdy Observations and silly camaraderie


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Hey Aaron, I am late to your journal. It seems like 2024 is a crap year for a few of us in the journal section. Hang in there, I am sending my thoughts and along with everyone else!
Thank you. It is better that you are late because this whole thing has now resolved(my attempt to leave anyway). I am slowly trying to get caught up on journals, but I shouldn't even be on here right now! :shifty:
Thank you. It is better that you are late because this whole thing has now resolved(my attempt to leave anyway). I am slowly trying to get caught up on journals, but I shouldn't even be on here right now! :shifty:
That's right! Go study!;)

ned flanders insanity GIF


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Returning to night shaves

I skipped shaving in the morning yesterday and conducted a little experiment to see if I could do this or not and... it appears so!

I really missed night shaving, but I need to be presentable and I have a dark beard and pasty skin; not a good combination for hiding stubble. I really like the idea of having a grooming routine at the end of the day and being able to just get up and go in the morning. I was pretty pleased with how smooth the majority of my face was up until lunch and honestly, quite a bit longer. That's partly because I shaved much later than I should have. If I can get away with this then I can enjoy my shaves more and save time in the morning!

One big plus is that I can perform a proper pre-shave routine, if I do it right. I did not. I thought I could get away with washing my face with pretty warm water since I use cold water to shave, but it makes my face swell up and become easily damaged. Bummer. I definitely pushed things into the raw zone, but don't appear to have any lasting consequences.

Last night's shave was with the Ti Bird and a third use Treet 7 Days which is a nice middle of the road combo for me. I had been skipping the WTG pass the last two shaves and those went fine, but I guess with the extra stubble that was ill advised. Some damage was inflicted however I didn't know it until much later, oh well.

Right now I have short enough stubble to do the same thing again, but without consequences. However, I am not at the place where my Ti Bird is so I have to figure something else out and that means a proper multi pass shave. I will probably reload the +++ Henson V1, it gets most of the duty when I am where I am(after the injectors though). I am going to have to be careful what blade I choose... hmm, people are talking about Ladas lately... maybe.

I guess I should go get dinner so I can shave at a reasonable time today. Happy night shaves everybody! :w00t:


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Razor: Henson +++(v1)
Blade: Silver Star
Brush: RV/Muhle bog oak STF XL

I am on the phone so this is going to be brief. I shaved way too late last night again, shrug.

I don’t know if I like this Al Henson more than my Ti because of the weight or because of the older design, it just behaves differently. I needed a reasonably sharp blade because the Hensons need that, but I wound up choosing a Silver Star. I haven’t used one in a long time and I may already be shopping for more! They aren’t the sharpest thing from what I remember, but it was sharp enough that the Henson worked extremely smoothly. I really got into a zone where I was barely feeling the blade and could make as many strokes as I wanted without messing up my face. It didn’t take much work to get all the stragglers and I finished in my usual 2.5 passes. The Hensons are quick shavers and they generally don’t punish you rushing(I wasn’t).

The results last night were very pleasing, but I could still feel the underlying effect of the previous night’s shave. I applied some Ethos splash and got quite some feedback, but it died down relatively quickly. This morning, the results aren’t where they were the previous day, but that’s for the better. I am comfortable with this level of closeness for being presentable without having to wreck my face. I do think that these blade are somewhere in the medium range based on these results. I think they may be a half step below the ubiquitous Gillette Platinums, more testing will be necessary.

I will look forward to using this combination again next weekend when I am back at the house.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I appreciate the votes for Wing Nut, but Matt’s post may have pushed a Flanders name to the top! :lol:

You shouldn’t have made that post because you are going to get exactly what you didn’t want and I am going snicker every time you reply to one of my posts. :devil:

Even better would be Wing Nut and Stupid sexy Flanders underneath. If someone has influence around here, make it happen otherwise I will probably go with FO Flanders.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Dear Wing Nut, SS Flanders, etc.,
Are you going to change your avatar as well?
Thank you, I forgot to mention this publicly. No, there will be no change of the silly ridiculous avatar, it’s who I am on here now. I expect some would like to see it go, but I can’t make too many changes all at once!

I should mention that FO is short for First Officer, a rank for aviators.


Likes a fat handle in his hand
Thank you, I forgot to mention this publicly. No, there will be no change of the silly ridiculous avatar, it’s who I am on here now. I expect some would like to see it go, but I can’t make too many changes all at once!

I should mention that FO is short for First Officer, a rank for aviators.

Dude, this should be your new Avatar, it suits your new Wing Nut name quite well.



Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I appreciate the suggestions gentlemen! Unless I get more votes for "Flanders," I will have to go with "Wing Nut." Maybe I can hope for "Stupid sexy Flanders" below it at some future time. I think if I am going to stick with the Avatar, "Flanders" might be redundant. I will wait a bit longer.
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