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Professor Flanders's Journal of Nerdy Observations and silly camaraderie

Speaking of that, I've been trying something lately... I am sqeezing/shaking my brush drier and leaving a bit more water on my puck of soap as I load the soap. I'm finding that it both loads well and decreases the "dribble" out of the brush. Anyone else doing that?
I was pretty much working my way through this as well. I wasn't getting repeatable results, in part (I'm sure) because I wasn't paying attention - how hard to shake, and how many times. If I was using only one brush (instead of alternating), I likely would have worked out a process.

Earlier this week, I started pondering "repeatable" brush dips (described above). Last night, I finally played with it. It's not a calibrated spray, but it is showing promise, and my small, stainless lather bowl no longer feels unloved and unwanted ;-)

... Thom
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Speaking of that, I've been trying something lately... I am sqeezing/shaking my brush drier and leaving a bit more water on my puck of soap as I load the soap. I'm finding that it both loads well and decreases the "dribble" out of the brush. Anyone else doing that?
I’ve been doing something similar recently too. Whether I’m using my Wald, my G5C, or my travel STF, I get my brush wet and then vigorously shake out as much water as I can. If I’m loading from a puck, I leave a bit more water there; if I’m using a sample jar or shave stick, I cup my hand and put some water there to dip the tip of the brush in. The idea being, I want the tip of the brush to be wet, but the rest minimally damp when I’m loading and face lathering. Seems to be going pretty well, but I’m open to change if this is a dumb idea!


I shaved a fortune
I do agree: it’s much easier to add a little water than add more soap. I tap my brushes lightly on the side of the sink to get them dry-ish. I bowl lather. I seem to be able to control the consistency better with that method.

Of course, the YMMV is a certainty.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Eventually, you guys will give up on soaking your synthetics altogether! A quick dip in shallow water is all it takes and right to the puck, easier said than done of course. I just don't like the variable of not knowing how much water is in my brush, but I conceded above that everybody has their way of getting there. I suppose with one brush at a time, over the course of a week, one could start with their standard procedure and ask themselves which way do I need to go the next time. Then make small changes over several days and finally see if it's repeatable. If not, the methodology was wrong and the hits were random. Then move on to the next brush and see how it works with the same procedure compared to the previously used brush.

I left my Wald behind so the Blackland brush is up tomorrow! Only because I want to see if it's as good as a remember. I am planning to get some much needed photography in this thread soon.
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Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I'm following this, but only because I like your profile picture.

Advanced lathering techniques are way over my head.
I do like your new Semogue, but am completely lost trying to to understand the urgency of that decision. I have a limited edition one that was my first serious brush and possibly still my favourite and have had a boar. I know that those Misturas are popular for a reason!

Oh, I see now that it was the countdown to September GRUME, vastly different time zones can be confusing.
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Blade Biter
I do like your new Semogue, but am completely lost trying to to understand the urgency of that decision. I have a limited edition one that was my first serious brush and possibly still my favourite and have had a boar. I know that those Misturas are popular for a reason!
It was the day before GRUME.

I'm not supposed to buy any shaving gear in September, so load up the night before!

First impression is pretty good, lathers well and very easily.

It does have quite a few prickly boar shafts though, rougher than my well broken-in swine herd. If it was a thoroughbred boar, I'd be plucking them out, but I'll use it as intended for now.
Not dumb at all. @tjsgarden made a Wiki contribution describing his lathering method with this as its starting point. And also the @JCinPA fool proof lathering method works from the premise of dipping in rather than soaking up. Been using that throughout 2023 now and rarely get a bad lather.


Funny ... I lost track of having seen the "dip" method in the FPLM post. I don't have that many original thoughts :ouch1:

Here's the link, for anyone who's having difficulty tracking it down.

... Thom
Hello everyone. I decided to share my story. Recently, I bought an inexpensive boar brush in a store near my house. In the package, she made a good impression. And without packaging, too.

I even managed to whip up a good foam

But then there was a complete disaster. It was not possible to apply foam on the face normally. The brush just didn't take it.

As a result, I washed the brush and threw it in the trash.

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I’ve been doing something similar recently too. Whether I’m using my Wald, my G5C, or my travel STF, I get my brush wet and then vigorously shake out as much water as I can. If I’m loading from a puck, I leave a bit more water there; if I’m using a sample jar or shave stick, I cup my hand and put some water there to dip the tip of the brush in. The idea being, I want the tip of the brush to be wet, but the rest minimally damp when I’m loading and face lathering. Seems to be going pretty well, but I’m open to change if this is a dumb idea!

Yup, that's what I'm doing too! That's funny that we've both ended up trying this independently. That's the goal, to keep the water near the tips and not dribbling out of the middle.

Eventually, you guys will give up on soaking your synthetics altogether! A quick dip in shallow water is all it takes and right to the puck, easier said than done of course.

Exactly, I've never soaked a synth. I just dunk about the bottom inch of the brush in water, then squeeze/shake.
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Not made for these times.
I'm officially watching this thread to see what you are going to say next.


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