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Products available in Boston / US

I have some relatives over in Boston at the moment, I was going to get them to get me some shaving product which are available in US and not available in the UK - what do you recommend?

I was thinking along the lines of some Ogallala, Pinaud etc.

What do you think?
that's a good idea. just keep in mind TSA stuff and have them put it in their checked bags. and since their in boston they should pick up some red sox t-shirts for you.
Boston is the hub of the Universe, and if they visit Harvard Square in the People Republic of Cambridge they can go to Colonial and Leavitt and Pearce for shaving goodies.
Red Sox accessories are a must; we have 6 players in the All Star game with a smaller payroll than the NY Yankees. We are also 3 games ahead of them at midseason.
Tell them to visit the Museum of Fine Arts, we have a heck of an exhibit of Titian Tintoretto and Veronese and if they like seafood, there is no place like Boston.
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