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Post an ages old phrase you heard growing up

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Based off a discussion on "6 to one, half dozen to the other" in another thread, I thought it might be interesting to put some old phrases all in 1 spot. I'll start with one my Grandpa used alot....

"Just between you, me, and the fence post...."
"Pulling on it will not make it any longer"

I frequently heard "You aint got the brains God gave a goose" but that is proly just me because I made pour choices lol
Slicker than greased owl sheet.

Although that makes no sense, as owl pellets are not slick. Goose maybe.....


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
Slicker than deer guts on a door nob.

Dumber than a sack of hammers, box of rocks, etc.
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