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Players poll: What's your BBS batting average?

What's your BBS batting average?

  • Under .200

  • .200 - .300

  • .300 - .400

  • Around .500

  • .600 - .800

  • Working on batting 1000

Results are only viewable after voting.
I almost always get BBS. Sometimes I have to work for it, and I pay the price. Usually though, if I'm using my Krona and 7 O'Clock blacks, I have no issues getting BBS.
I don't even try for BBS unless I'm shaving just before a date or party. It only lasts an hour or three.

Need a new category for me: under 0.01
I get very close most times but if detect even a single, small hair or stubble patch I downgrade myself to DFS. I would probably be getting 5-6 BBS each week if I didn't demand such exacting standards.
I can get a BBS better than half of the time. If I don't, it usually has to do with the hairs on my neck which grow in a variety of directions. Once in a great while, I'll be using a razor that is in need of hitting the hones but I'm too lazy to do it at that particular moment (or dirty up another razor) so I go with it.
The BBS doesn't last very long (few hours) but IMHO it's worth it.
as turtle. when ever I have a BBS. it lasts for the whole day.

Got a small stubborn patch under my right jawline that I can eventually whack at the expense of mauling my skin and severe razor burn
I rarely get a shave that isn't BBS. As long as my prep is decent and I change the blade after 4-5 shaves, I don't seem to have any problems.

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