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Pinaud Special Reserve vs Musk

How do these two compare. I've seen the Special Reserve compared to the smell of an oiled baseball mitt and I can image that Musk could have that kind of smell as well. Are they both similar at all?

By the way, I just ordered a 6 oz bottle of Special Reserve. Amazon (through the marketplace) has it for less than $7 with free shipping. Oftentimes it isn't worth it to try out just one bottle since most places charge as much for shipping as the aftershave costs. This place just happened to offer free shipping.
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Special reserve smells like English leather, an old timey wonderful leather scent. Like that of a baseball mitt or old jacket, its really a wonderful scent! Musk to me is a detuned version of SR. Both are really good scents. I would wear musk for work or home and wear the SR to parties or events were a more powerful scent is needed to stand out from the others but not enough to make people shun you. Both are in my main rotation and with bottles being $5 your out a McDonald's burger at the most.........
Special reserve smells like English leather, an old timey wonderful leather scent. Like that of a baseball mitt or old jacket, its really a wonderful scent! Musk to me is a detuned version of SR. Both are really good scents. I would wear musk for work or home and wear the SR to parties or events were a more powerful scent is needed to stand out from the others but not enough to make people shun you. Both are in my main rotation and with bottles being $5 your out a McDonald's burger at the most.........

All of this is spot on. The only thing I would add is that SR is MUCH more long lasting than Musk. I can smell both hours after I put them on, but I can smell SR all day.
To me....

Special reserve is a woodsy manly scent and very similar to Master Challenge

Musk has a more floral lean to it, more on the sweet side.

Clubman Musk is probably my favorite out of the Pinaud line.
To me....

Special reserve is a woodsy manly scent and very similar to Master Challenge

Musk has a more floral lean to it, more on the sweet side.

Clubman Musk is probably my favorite out of the Pinaud line.

Reading this makes me think they really react oddly to my body chemistry. I don't get almost anything but leather with SR and Musk smells nothing like flowers to me. Musk does, however, smell strikingly similar to Master Challenge.
I notice that same Pinaud products are listed as aftershave some as o de colgone and others (Special Reserve) as cologne or as aftershave/cologne.

Can all of them (used sparingly) be used as an aftershave that will fade away or are some truly a cologne that will be impossible from having others smell?

I prefer scents that others are aware of only if they are hugging or kissing me and not just standing in an elevator with me.
the Pinaud products are some of the longer lasting scents.

You can find EDC that are complimentary to the pinaud scents
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