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Pinaud Special Reserve - Color CHANGE ODD

A while back I bought a bottle of Pinaud Clubman Special Reserve, I don't use it that often due the scent. Not a big fan. However as I slowly unpack my shaving goods after moving, I came across the bottle. The liquid is now a greenish hue. When I bought it I believe it was closer to brown. Has this ever happened to anyone before?
Perhaps Phil is a sort of secret cross between Robin Hood and Santa, and he comes down your chimney and swaps out your aftershaves for Lilac Vegetal???:001_huh:

Seriously, can't say I've had that happen to me, and the vintage bottles I've seen for sale on Ebay look brownish. How was it stored?
I think it's always been green and you just didn't notice it.

There is a thread somewhere talking about the color. When I was reading it, I went and got my bottle and looked at it closely. As it sits, close to a white background wall it looks brown, but held up to the light it looks green.

It has a secret ingredient that causes it to go through a rainbow shift of colors. Unicorn urine.
I had the same thing happen to a bottle of the Bay Rum Pinaud makes. I had it sitting on a shelf near a window and I thought the sunlight may have been the culprit. Maybe temperature has a part to play in the color change? It was brown and turned an olive green color. It did change back though somewhat. I ended up pouring it out. Just couldn't stomach the smell anymore. Too reminiscent of cinnamon fireball candy.
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