I have a request for pictures from our Members on what each consitutes.
A picture each for BBS, DFS, SAS, etc.
Who can help out?
A picture each for BBS, DFS, SAS, etc.
Who can help out?
Chris, my guess is that you won't be able to tell the difference between a BBS, DFS, CCS (close, comfortable shave) and SAS from even a close-up picture. You would have to do macro-photography of the skin itself to see how much whisker was left after each. The best way to differentiate is by feel.
What a lot of new shavers forget in their quest for BBS is that, from even 2 feet away, there's no apparent difference between a BBS without irritation or weepers and a SAS. However EVERYONE knows when you've got razor burn, irritation, or weepers!