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Pic Request: BBS, DFS, SAS, etc.

I have a request for pictures from our Members on what each consitutes.
A picture each for BBS, DFS, SAS, etc.

Who can help out?
Chris, my guess is that you won't be able to tell the difference between a BBS, DFS, CCS (close, comfortable shave) and SAS from even a close-up picture. You would have to do macro-photography of the skin itself to see how much whisker was left after each. The best way to differentiate is by feel.

What a lot of new shavers forget in their quest for BBS is that, from even 2 feet away, there's no apparent difference between a BBS without irritation or weepers and a SAS. However EVERYONE knows when you've got razor burn, irritation, or weepers!
I don't think that pictures will help here, it's about feel. My understanding:

SAS = Can feel light stubble, but looks tidy.
CCS = Feels smooth WTG.
DFS = Feels smooth WTG and XTG, some stubble felt ATG.
BBS = Feels smooth in any direction.

This is just my interpretation by the way, I don't know if there's a definitive answer.
Chris, my guess is that you won't be able to tell the difference between a BBS, DFS, CCS (close, comfortable shave) and SAS from even a close-up picture. You would have to do macro-photography of the skin itself to see how much whisker was left after each. The best way to differentiate is by feel.

What a lot of new shavers forget in their quest for BBS is that, from even 2 feet away, there's no apparent difference between a BBS without irritation or weepers and a SAS. However EVERYONE knows when you've got razor burn, irritation, or weepers!

John this was more for the wiki than me...trying to give back what very little knowledge I've learned. But, good point on the photos!

Chris -

Thx! Big help.
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