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Phoenixkh: An Old Man's Continuum....


I shaved a fortune
Happy Belated Birthday Kim!! I hope you had a great day!!
I worked.... much to both sons' chagrin.... But when I got home, my wife had prepared lovely homemade crab cakes and salmon bites.... steamed broccoli and a thick mango, jalapeño hot sauce.. What a wonderful dinner.

I guess I've never understood the desire to have one's birthday off from work. The only way I haven't worked on my birthday was when it fell on a non-scheduled work day.

That said/typed, I think my birth date is the reason I'm partial to both prime and odd numbers. <eg>
Happy Birthday GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Late to the party, I brought cake and a fire extinguisher. Haha, Happy Birthday Kim. Sorry I am late.


I shaved a fortune
I completed my Vintage razor family this morning as the PO delivered 4 razors Chris @ Back Roads Gold re-plated for me. There is also a Good Fellas Smile Bayonetta in the photo. I actually have a Wolfman WRH 3/7 with H2 knurling, hollow 90MM for it, unless I end up using that one on my WR2 0.95SB and use the 3/7 with the standard 3,7 knurling with the Bayonetta and my Timeless bronze 0.38. Those two razor heads will end up with either the Darwin or one of the 3/7 hollow handles.

The Bayonetta might see some time with the OEM handle as well as I like the way it feels... The weight? not so much. <eg>

Left to right:

1. Bayonetta (24K hardened gold)
2. 1934 NEW Short Comb (24K gold)
3. 1933? NEW Canada Regent Long Comb (24K gold)
4. 1953 Y2 Super Speed (white platinum), birth year and quarter



The plan is... tomorrow on my day off, I'll get photos of my 3 razor families and a few extra assortments.
Thanks, Eric and @spacemonkey42 . I had a weight goal to hit today, arbitrary though it was and I’m pleased to report, I beat it by .7 pounds. I’m closing in on my target weight. If I continue to progress, I should get there by Mila’s birthday: July 30th.

My razors should get here from Back Roads Gold tomorrow or Tuesday. USPS said Monday, but we all know what that means. <eg>

The plan is to take photos of all the stuff I use regularly and a few items that need attention eventually.
Happy belated birthday, Kim. Great job on the weight loss!


I shaved a fortune
I've been a bit lax this week... My last shave was a week ago yesterday... so a full week of growth.

As I have mentioned, I've been wondering if I should try out the La Faulx + base plate. Peer pressure, for sure, but do I need to try one?

I think I've put that to rest. I used the La Faulx Classic with a Kai Captain Titan "Mild" Pink blade (2) on those 7 days growth of old man, grey and coarse whiskers. The La Faulx sliced through the vast majority of growth in the first WTG pass. Those extra coarse whiskers on the ball of my chin and right underneath it took a bit of work, but that would be the case with any razor I own. The La Faulx didn't struggle....I kept the angle on the shallow side of neutral for that area, as Aaron suggested months ago now. Man, did that make a difference, when I learned that was what I had been doing wrong in my problem areas.

Anyway, I could feel the additional shortening of the whiskers with each pass...until there was hardly a whisper left on the ATG pass. I know many of you need more efficiency in your razors than I do. The Classic is enough for me. It makes sense, really... When I look at the razors some of you love...and you also love the + or ++ La Faulx base plate...... They all match up, if you will.

I used the Baume.be unscented cream tonight... and will continue that trend until it is gone. I can already see the bottom of the tub through the thin middle of the cream. I have an almost full tub of it in reserve. It makes a luxurious lather for me.

Everything else remained the same... Same badgers in rotation for the pre-shave application and the same ones for the lathering. About the only thing going on except brilliant shaves is my plan to sell off a few razors, perhaps. I'll probably start a new sales ad on BST soon. I'll most likely part with 3 ATT razors I have... but I'll be hanging on to the X1. I bought a SS handle and stand to go along with the Timeless 0.68OC SCL so I can offer that as a complete stainless-steel razor.....And I do need to find a home for the RR Lupo aluminum that's been sitting around for over 2 years. Aluminum razors feel too light for me. I'll probably include that one for free for someone to claim if they buy another razor I have for sale on a first come, first serve basis. I might do the same with the ATT Windsor Pro aluminum...Both are inexpensive and that makes it hard to price them, with the shipping costs, to make it worth the time of selling them separately.

That will leave me with 19 razors, divided up into Bronze/Brass/Gold; Stainless-steel/Titanium; and Vintage razor families. After settling the La Faulx dilemma, I don't have any other razors or base plates on a "must buy" list.

I still have to get to GEM razor @spacemonkey42 gave me, my Mom's 2 G Schick injectors and my birth year and quarter 1953 Y2 Super Speed.... I'm not in a rush, but I'll get to them eventually.

The only other thing on the horizon is learning how to shave with the barber razors I have now... 4 of them. I've only used the Kai Excelia once but it went much better than I expected. I'll throw in a few WTG passes with those every so often, as I get comfortable with that format.
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