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Personna: red vs med vs lab?

What's the difference between these three blades? I've been using the red pack personna's for over a year now and they work great for me. Thinking if trying the other two but just curious how they compare. Also interested in Polsilver SI and how they compare to the reds.
Red IPs work good for me too (R89, 39c, LC NEW, Super Speed, etc.). The Lab Blue blades shave just as well, but seem to last a couple extra shaves. I've never tried the Meds.

As far as physical differences, I know the Reds are made in Israel, and the Blues and Meds are made in Virginia. So the manufacturing processes may be different, but MY face/whiskers can't tell the difference (aside from slightly better longevity).

Not sure I helped you any, but that's my two pfennig.
I've tried all three and all of them seem very similar. Not quite a Feather but a very good blade. I could use any one of them exclusively if I had to.
Personna Reds are not the sharpest blades you can find, but they are sharp enough and very forgiving and smooth. Everyone's different, but I don't feel inclined to challenge myself with a difficult, overly-aggressive razor, or a punishingly sharp blade. I like smooth and comfortable. The Personna Reds were the first blade I found that worked well for me in any razor and regardless how heavy my beard. They were the first blade I bought a hundred of. I've since found blades that are sharper and last longer. Among these are the Personna Med Preps and Labs. Both great blades. I can seldom tell the difference, except that I've had a couple of bad Lab's, and never had a bad Med Prep. They both are smooth, very sharp, and last a long time. Ditto 7 o'clock blacks, and yellows, and Polsilvers. But the Reds are still the blade I judge all others by, and I still keep them in my locker.
Thanks gents. I'll have to pick up some meds and polsilvers and see how I like them compared to the reds. I tried feathers when I was getting into wet shaving and they were just too sharp for me. I may have to give them another chance as well since my technique has improved drastically since then.
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