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Rex Envoy vs Sentry.

Good morning, hello.

I have a question—could any owners compare two razors, the Rex Envoy vs. Sentry?

I’m looking for a comparison, if possible, in terms of aggressiveness, efficiency, effectiveness, and performance.
And in general, any significant differences you notice during shaving.
Thank you for your responses.

I used to own the Envoy a long time ago, but I sold it. Now, with the BF deals, I’ve ordered it again to refresh my memory.
I’m curious about the practical differences compared to the Sentry.
Sorry, I can't help you, never having owned a Sentry. But I do have an Envoy, which I love.
It is beautifully made with perfect blade alignment, and just the right amount of aggressiveness for me. I also like the grippy handle.
One of my lucky grandsons will inherit it, and be able to pass it down to his grandson.

I understand, I’m looking for a comparison of these razors in terms of performance and aggressiveness.

If anyone owns or has used both and can share a comparison, I’d appreciate the information.

Of course, we all have different preferences, and what works for one person might not work for another, so I wanted to gather some opinions.


Cool and slimy

I understand, I’m looking for a comparison of these razors in terms of performance and aggressiveness.
Maybe you are looking for something entirely else. I am quite with @Space_Cadet in this regard, I found the Envoy to be quite aggressive, but didn't get the results others had. This also made me stop considering the Ambassador. Nevertheless, I got the stand, I have an every-razor-must-have-a-fitting-stand issue. In case of the Envoy it was damn pricey, should just have put it on a Yaqi stand. But it is a wonderful stand in its heaviness and simplicity, I like that.

This is a very wild guess, it shaves not like the mentioned razors, but I recently got the Yaqi Trifecta, needed a new head for my fancy new razor handles, the desired WR2 clones from DSCosmetics are still not available, I already have a lot of Yaqi heads, so... I guessed, the Trifecta has three shims, 1.10 might be just my thing.

I was not disappointed, I was even positively surprised. I paired the Trifecta with the maximum shim of 1.10 with Suneko Amorphous Diamond blades, it totally rocks. Roughly Yaqi Harlequin, which apparently is based on a Gillette Goodwill, if that one is aggressive as well, ballpark in aggression, very effective.

You could also try polishing the IV plate of the Greencult GC2. I love the head, really, but the handle and the finish really kill it for me. I should maybe listen to my own advice and find someone to polish it for me. I am regularly feeling a stab when people polish their razors so nicely, I neither have the patience nor the skill for that. I also need a guided sharpener for my knives, without it I would go nuts.

I don't know if you know Timeless, I very much love the Timeless Slim 0.5 OC, alternatively, just really not on par for me, most people like the easier going .95 OC a lot as well. You can order it via Rasoigoodfellas in Europe and pay with Paypal if it is a bit too much in one payment.

Note: I am not promoting any of the mentioned shops or brands, I just happen to send them my money regularly and can recommend them...^^

Thank you for your response,

I have been using the Timeless 0.95 SS, but it somehow doesn’t meet my expectations. Additionally, I had to adjust (align) the blade to make it sit evenly. I used the Green Cult in the V1 version (Gap 0.95 and Exposure 0.25), but I sold it. It was efficient (effective), but something about it didn’t feel right; with some blades, it was unpleasant.

As for razors or heads from Yaqi, I have had bad experiences. I used several, but again, something about them didn’t feel right, and the blade didn’t sit well in them, just like with the Fatip.

I have quite a few razors, and I’ve sold many, keeping only the ones I use and consider good. I know what to expect from the Envoy, but I wanted to ask, what’s the deal with the Sentry?
No experience with either but curious. I asked the question in Perplexity, a search engine designed to scan multiple sources and often gives a concensus answer to some types of questions. Anyway, the result was that the Sentry is milder and more efficient - meaning less passes to get similar result. I did have a Merkur 37C a while back and found the slant was indeed more efficient and my Muhle R89. If I have to choose, I would strongly incline towards the Sentry - but am happy with my Rockwell 6S



Cool and slimy
I know what to expect from the Envoy, but I wanted to ask, what’s the deal with the Sentry?
It doesn't look like a new head design, but literally like a twisted/slanted Envoy. Some have the adjustable version and like it a lot, but so do people the Envoy and Ambassador.

Even if you had bad experiences with Razorock, I would still like to encourage you to try their SuperSlant L3++, maybe even L3++ OC. Some prefer the Wunderbar, but this line of Razorock slants is probably the pinnacle of their design. I like it a lot, sooo... maybe you will do so, too. :)
Sentry gives me nice shaves paired with correct blades (Treet 7 days, Indian Astra SP and 7 O'Clock Green). It feels almost as mild as my overlander but much more efficient.
However, it feels super harsh with some other blades (PPI blades, Indian Wilkinson Sword and Feather).
Sentry gives me nice shaves paired with correct blades (Treet 7 days, Indian Astra SP and 7 O'Clock Green). It feels almost as mild as my overlander but much more efficient.
However, it feels super harsh with some other blades (PPI blades, Indian Wilkinson Sword and Feather).
I have not tried envoy, but I sold my Ambassador because I would never use settings above 2.5.

They are two completely different razors. Though I am having a consistency problem with Sentry and sometimes it feels harsh, it still has much less blade feel compared to Ambassador.

I have good experiences with RazoRock; I’ve used the Super Slant L1, L2, L3, L3OC++, and the Wunderbar.
I’ve kept only two slants, the Wunderbar and the L3, as I find them optimal in terms of aggressiveness and efficiency.
I read somewhere that the Super Slant is more efficient than the Sentry, but that was just one opinion.
I would like to know more comparisons, especially with the Envoy.


Thank you for sharing your experience with the Sentry; it gives me a better understanding of this razor.
They are both terribly uncomfortable for me, but I prefer the Envoy because it doesn't have the problem where you have to bend the blade to get it to engage alignment pins. The Rex slants are dangerous. Matthew Pisarcik says they didn't re-design the top cap because they wanted interchangeable parts, and they went with the short pins because it allows them to machine it from a thinner and less expensive piece of bar stock. I get that, but I also think it is dangerous. I have all four of the Rex razors, and can't recommend any of them. They are also prone to rust due to the selection of 313 steel for cost and machinability, and design choices, like they way the threads are connected to the cap with locktite. The gold plating doesn't hold up and rusts a lot, too.

In this price range, I recommend a Blackland Blackbird.
They are both terribly uncomfortable for me, but I prefer the Envoy because it doesn't have the problem where you have to bend the blade to get it to engage alignment pins. The Rex slants are dangerous. Matthew Pisarcik says they didn't re-design the top cap because they wanted interchangeable parts, and they went with the short pins because it allows them to machine it from a thinner and less expensive piece of bar stock. I get that, but I also think it is dangerous. I have all four of the Rex razors, and can't recommend any of them. They are also prone to rust due to the selection of 313 steel..............
This is puzzling to me, because my Envoy is always put away wet, and never cleaned until I change blades, which is around 7 shaves. And since I only shave every other day, that means about every 2 weeks.
Needless to say, I've never noticed any rust at all.








I wasn't questioning you, only relating my experience with an Envoy. I'll be interested in how my Envoy holds up, seeing I have a grandson that is looking to inherent it when I shuffle off. Hopefully not too soon! 🙄

I was convinced that the razor was made of 316L stainless steel.

In the pictures, it looks as though the top cap is made from a single piece of steel without a glued-in threaded stud. Is it really glued in?

Did I miss something?

Are there any versions that were produced earlier and later with the differences you are describing?


Looks like it is only the adjustables that have the rusty glue joint.

I am not sure if the materials changed. My Ambassador isn't actually rusty, but my Konsul, Sentry, Envoy, and stand are.
I wasn't questioning you, only relating my experience with an Envoy. I'll be interested in how my Envoy holds up, seeing I have a grandson that is looking to inherent it when I shuffle off. Hopefully not too soon! 🙄
I doubt a three piece will corrode to the point of failure like zinc alloy. It is more like surface rust, hopefully.
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