Having been using some Personna Meds I received from the Blade Exchange on B&B, which by the way is a great way to try some new blades. Anyway the Personna Meds up to this point blow away everything else I have used, at least for me. As a noob I have only touched the tip of the iceberg in terms of products out there and often after saying wow this is great I try something else and go no, this is even better. That may very well be the case with the Meds as well, but as of right now they blow away the competition. My criteria for anything is the total picture and balance of the product. There is sharpest, there is smoothest, etc, then there is the best combination of all attributes which In my opinion makes the best. Right now Personna Meds meets that criteria better than anything else I have tried. Having said that I may be here with a new favorite soon cause as you know YMMV.