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Personna Comfort Coated - Still Available For Purchase?

I know this has been covered and my apologies as I’ve been out of the shaving game for a few years. Recently came back and read that Personna has been sold and now some blades are under a completely different name.

The Comfort Coated were my go-to’s that always provided and excellent and smooth shave that I could always count on.

I tried to a little more research, but was getting confused on what new name are my old standby’s are now under.

Is this box of blades still being produced or do I have to purchase something else?
You initially joined in 2013?

If you’re talking about the old made in USA 100 pack you might be in luck.

You initially joined in 2013?

If you’re talking about the old made in USA 100 pack you might be in luck.

Thank you and I did! Wow, over a decade ago now lol.

I took a good 3 year break from shaving and just dived back in. I was always a minimalist when it came to gear and software, so once I found what I liked, I stuck with it. Loved the US made 100 pack and bought a few hundred some years ago.

I’ve seen some 100ct boxes of Comfort Coated available on various shave sites, but didn’t know if those were old back stocks or if those were newly produced
My understanding is those blades are now being manufactured under the name Accuforge.

Thank you for the link. I’ll probably be purchasing some of those soon.

I see that Maggard’s doesn’t have any AccuForge, but still has the original Personna Comfort Coated boxes. Does anyone know if those are new boxes being produced or are those just back stock?
+1! This is also my understanding. (Fortunately, I am well stocked with their ‘labs’ for the time being!!)
I have about 400, myself as their in my top 3 favorites ever.

I looked at AccuForge blades and they’re about 3X the price of the Personnas 😮
Your best bet would be to email Maggard Razors and ask them. They have outstanding customer service
Sent that email last night, around Midnight and Brad emailed me back in about 20 minutes. Legendary customer service from Maggards.

They currently have old stock of the Comfort Coated, but he said distributors have enough for probably one to two years worth of blades that can continue to purchase.
I think they are probably still making the Personna CC, and just don't have them on the Accutec website because they are distributed through Fromm, an Edgewell subsidiary.

I got CCs in 100 packs with an April, 2024 production date, and after that I got some that are likely newer than that (from Blackland) with no production date marking.

No harm in stocking up, though.
If I was a greedy, sneaky bastage, I would avoid pointing out that Blackland Razors sells these for $16.50 per 100 on their website. Nope. I wouldn't tell you that. Because that would mean there would be less for me.
My order for a 100 box of Comfort Coated Made in USA from That Auction Site arrived today.

What tiny little box it is! And, it ended up being a bonus pack with 120 blades. Total with Calif tax was < 20$USD.
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