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Perfume: In Search of Your Signature Scent by Neil Chapman

Just got this book. Nicely organized and well-written. Chapman seems to have a lot of knowledge and a good nose. Short blurbs on each scent, much like Turin's books. Not really dedicated to finding one's signature scent as far as I can tell, which as I have said previously, I think is a futile task. Lots of interesting tidbits of information I had never read before. For instance, says Caron Yatagan was a part of 70's leatherman culture. I own but do not much wear Yatagan. I am not sure this information would affect my wearing it or not. It might affect where I wore it!

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The Instigator
Ever since some joker referred to Yatagan's "bongwater note," it's ruined my perception of that cologne ...

Ever since some joker referred to Yatagan's "bongwater note," it's ruined my perception of that cologne ...


Ha, I like that. Seems right enough to me. Not an easy scent. One I probably appreciate and respect more than one I would ever wear. I think I would day that about most Caron scents for men, although I do not think the others are nearly as controversial or unusual.
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