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Pelican case for travel set up?

I travel quite a bit for work, and have been looking for a vintage travel set up that will work with my new found love of wet shaving. It crossed my mind today to pick up a pelican case (waterproof crush proof etc.) deep enough to hold my VDH bowl and cut custom pockets out of the foam for it, my razor, brush tube, etc.. I would like to know what others would think of this idea. I know that moisture could be a problem, but they have a desiccant pack available for it. Any thoughts or concerns with this type of set up would be greatly appreciated!
Seems like it will keep everything well protected like you said though the moisture. Make sure everything is very well dry especially your brush before storing it in the case. Maybe make one or two air holes in it, that may defeat the purpose though in your opinion.
My main concern is the organization of it all first and foremost, protection second. The main issue for me is that I am gone sometimes for a week or more, and don't want to have to use a stick. Additionally on the occasions I have to fly I want something that can go in my checked baggage with little to no worries what it will look like on the other end, and I hate carrying anything other than my tablet on the plane.
I have a Floto travel/dopp bag my wife got me for work but it's all leather. I've managed to fit a lot more than that in there. A good quality one will last you a lifetime and whatever you decide give a shot of it. Love to see it.


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My dad used a couple of different leather dop bags while working up range for nearly 10yrs and never lost a mug to the military baggage handlers. He just packed it in the middle of everything. He would go up and back 2-3 week not counting TDYs.
I have found that I have a case for my brush (WCS or pharmacy pill jar)and a travel cover for my razor. But everything else, SC, AS, pre shave oil, alum, razors you can find hard plastics cases to fit each individual item. Then you throw them where ever you need in your luggage. They all seem to fit in my authentic shoes, and when you pack, then the soles and sides give extra protection.
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