I just thought I would regal my fellow B&B members with a little lesson that I learned right before the weekend. Now I realize that some of you might read this and think "what an idiot!" But that is ok. We will likely never meet in person and so I am ok with that.
But in all seriousness, here is what happened.
I went over to my brother's place on Friday for a visit and brought my newly aquired Rhodium plated Gillette Slim to show him. I made sure to remove the blade and popped it into my jacket pocket and zipped the pocket shut. Ordinarily I would transport the razor in something more secure but I was in a hurry. At his place, we compared razors and I looked at his Slim (which still had the blade in it). We watched a movie and then I got ready to head home grabbed my razor popped it into my pocket and zipped it up.
Likely some of you can guess what happens next. On the way home my brother calls my cell phone. I pull over to answer it and he tells me that he can't find his razor. I told him that I wasn't sure and then he figures I may have grabbed his as well as mine by mistake. I told him no, couldn't be! So reached into my pocket delicately (just in case I was wrong) and promptly sliced my index finger wide open on his razor.
OUCH! He had the good grace to be sympathetic on the phone and I excused myself quickly. Thankfully I was close to home so I could keep sucking on my finger to keep from bleeding all over me and my car. Once I got home, after about 30 minutes it finally stopped bleeding for the most part and I put a big band aid on it. Changed it a couple of times the next day and since this happened late at night I went to a drop in clinic the next day. I could have gotten 2-3 stitches but decided to forego it since the doctor said it would have been better to get the stitches right when it happened.
In any case learn from my experience. Don't transport razors (even without blades in them...) in your jacket pocket, put it in a cloth bag or something protective. I know I learned my lesson.
As I sit here right now it's a lot better than it was on Friday (amazing how quickly it's healing really) but it still has a ways to go.

I went over to my brother's place on Friday for a visit and brought my newly aquired Rhodium plated Gillette Slim to show him. I made sure to remove the blade and popped it into my jacket pocket and zipped the pocket shut. Ordinarily I would transport the razor in something more secure but I was in a hurry. At his place, we compared razors and I looked at his Slim (which still had the blade in it). We watched a movie and then I got ready to head home grabbed my razor popped it into my pocket and zipped it up.
Likely some of you can guess what happens next. On the way home my brother calls my cell phone. I pull over to answer it and he tells me that he can't find his razor. I told him that I wasn't sure and then he figures I may have grabbed his as well as mine by mistake. I told him no, couldn't be! So reached into my pocket delicately (just in case I was wrong) and promptly sliced my index finger wide open on his razor.

In any case learn from my experience. Don't transport razors (even without blades in them...) in your jacket pocket, put it in a cloth bag or something protective. I know I learned my lesson.
As I sit here right now it's a lot better than it was on Friday (amazing how quickly it's healing really) but it still has a ways to go.